사랑이 어떤 느낌인지

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"i swear he wasn't like that before," i insist to mi-an as she sits on my bed eating doritos.

"nope, i'm pretty sure he was," she munches on a cheese flavored chip. "he's always been quiet, but like really hot when he wants to be."

"i feel disturbed that you're describing one of my friends as 'hot.' "

mi-an lifts an eyebrow. "friends." she uses finger quotations. "that kiss."

"i didn't initiate it nor ask for it!" i protest. "he just came onto me—"

"came onto you?" she pauses her eating to interrupt me.

"yeah, like pretty forcefully—"

"wow. that's hot." she goes back to crunching on the crisps.

"stop saying that!" i shout, exasperated. "friends can touch lips if they want to."

"they don't kiss like this." she holds up her phone which is playing a video of jimin and i by the lockers.

i widen my eyes in surprise and lean forward, snatching the device from her hands. "where did you get this?"

"taehyung." she states simply.

i facepalm.

"why did i already know that..."

rewatching the shaky video, i continued to get lost in its oddness. seeing jimin in it made my stomach feel fluttery.

"damn. that's hot."

"stop it mi-an!"

what does love feel like?

kdrama // park jimin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now