하늘을 나는 것 같다는데

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i approach my locker, seeing jimin already there. pretending not to notice him, i grab the lock and begin opening it.

from the corner of my eyes i see him straighten up when looking at me. turning back to grab my books, i'm startled by a light push to my should when suddenly— bam!

i'm slammed against the red lockers and pinned there. i groan in pain. "c'mon man, did you really have to shove me that hard?" i complain.

jimin releases his grip on my shoulders and begins apologizing immensely. "oh my goodness, i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to do that i swear—wait." he straightens up, squaring his shoulders back. he then strategically places his arm above my head and his hand caresses my face.

he leans in darkly. "we could be the stars of our own drama." he smirks. his puny fingers trail down my jawline.

i swear, the duality of this kid i— my thoughts are interrupted by his strawberry pink lips on mine.

i'm shocked as pop rocks seems to connect between our mouths.

"come on, kiss back." he growls, pressing harder into me. i'm still in a state of shock, eyes wide and arms unmoving.

"jimin?" the pink haired boy finally lets me free when taehyung appears, holding onto the strap of his backpack. taehyung points at me, confused. "and jaynie?"

then he puts his two index fingers together. "kissing?" he wonders aloud. "i thought i'd never see the day!" pouncing at us, taehyung pulls us both into a bear hug. "so cute!"

"i— it wasn't..." i stutter, trying to get my pint across. jimin interrupts me. he grabs my shoulder and pulls me closer against him.

"we're dating."

"—wait! hey i didn't even get a say—" he covers my mouth with his palm.

i lick the hand, but he doesn't loosen his grip as taehyung congratulates us.

he lets me speak when taehyung leaves.

"what do you think you're—" he cuts me off with another peck on the lips. i blush immensely, but wipe it off.

his lips taste like strawberry.

"i like you."

my mouth falls open, and i try to compose myself.

he can't be serious?

"you've got to be joking..." i let out a small, awkward laugh.

"i. like. you." he taps my nose cutely.

too fast too fast too fast

"i don't think i've known you long enough—"

"i've been in the same class as you for four years." he pouts.

"i... am so sorry i didn't mean to—"

"it's okay," he says, pinching my cheek. "take your time. i'm willing to wait forever."

they say it feels like flying

kdrama // park jimin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now