책 속에서나 드라마 속에서 사랑을 느껴

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"you know we have school tomorrow, right?" mi-an asks tired as she lay sprawled out on my bed, hand on her face. i continued to stare at the screen.

"mmhm." i gave as a reply. how was she even tired? we were only 2 minutes in to the 4th episode of 'Strong Woman Kim Bong Soon.' this shit was getting good.

"we have to sleeeeep..." she yawned, her eyes blinking slowly. "i have to sleep... jaynie... go to..." mi-an trailed, finally drifting off.

"sleep is for the weak." i chanted. i felt my eyes begin to flutter, so i quickly snapped them open. "no! not today!" i said, pausing the episode and standing up to get a glass of cold water.

i came back to my friend hugging my favorite kumamon bear, her feet on my laptop screen.

"damnit mi-an," i whispered, trying to gently move her feet before giving up and shoving her limbs to the side. "dont get in the way of my dramas." she only groaned a little and shifted onto her other side.

i ended up watching until 7 in the morning.

it was only when my alarm clock rang that i realized the time.

"oh shit." i cursed, rubbing my temples. "i didn't get to finish, and this is the last episode! i only have 45 minutes left on it!" i cried.

"jaynie...?" mi-an questioned. "what time did you go to slee—"

"i didn't." i snapped at her, pulling my hair. "i didn't sleep, and i need to finish the last episode!"

"you only have 20 minutes until school starts, you still have to shower, and your mom will kill you if you're late." she points out.

"true." i admitted. "but what if..."

"don't you go pulling those stunts of yours on me, jaynie. this is your problem, not mine. you can always finish the episode later."

i smirked.

- - -

"you're watching it in class?" mi-an harshly whispered from my right. i had set up my phone behind my textbook, and set a small plastic bag of popcorn inside the desk. "ms. jung is gonna murder you!"

"isn't this english class? if i turn the sound off, i read the english subtitles, which therefore help with my studies." i state, looking at her and nodding with a smile on my face. "i should've thought of this earlier."

"if you get caught, it's on you." she says, turning back to face the front.

i didn't get caught.

...until history class.

"you're watching dramas in class?" taehyung says from behind me.

"yeah," i say. "wanna join?"

"omo, is it a historical drama? i wanna see!" he giggles like a child. i shift to one side of my chair so he can view my phone screen. he leans forward on his desk.

"it's called hwarang," i state. "park hyung-sik is in it."

we were thirty minutes in when taehyung started to cry. i tried shushing him, but his tears fell hard as he sobbed uncontrollably.

"why did he have to die!" he wailed, sniffling. the teacher turned around.

"taehyung! are you alright?" mr. kim asked worriedly. "i know a lot of soldiers died in this war, but i don't think anyone should be crying about it..." he said. "talk to me after class— jaynie! what's that behind your textbook?"

i quickly flipped my phone into my desk. "nothing, mr. kim."

"talk to me after class as well."

my jaw dropped open. "no! please, mr. kim, i beg of you!" i pleaded. "i'm too young to die now!" i faked a cry, standing up and clasping my hands over my desk in pretend agony. "don't do this."

he pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "jaynie, i don't want to have to tell mom about this, please sit down."

"yes, sir." i saluted and sat back down, then turned to face taehyung. "we didn't get to the end of the episode. i'll show you at lunch okay?"

he nodded enthusiastically through his still running tears. "okay!" he said excitedly, wiping at his face. "im really—hiccup—excited."

or in books or dramas

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