Catfight - El Clasico Special

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I'm warning you, there's going to be a shit ton of disclaimers for this one, sorry hehe...

Ok, first of all, I'd like to point out that this is a VERY special one shot, nothing like what I've written before at all. As you might have guessed it, it involves Barcelona and Real Madrid, but wait... that's not all: it's mostly centered around the WAGs. I'm not going to give too much away though, you'll just have to read to find out haha ;)

But what I am going to say is that there are lots of fictional characters (aka the WAGs) and you might remember some of them from previous one shots. Others are introduced here but they'll most probably have their own story in the future. In order to fully understand what's going on in this El Clasico Special, it is VERY important that you remember the WAGs' names and which player they're involved with, or else you might get lost. But don't worry, it's all indicated as you read a bit further. I hope it won't get too complicated though, that's why I hesitated a lot before posting this...

Now I'd also like to point out that the concept is an original idea by ME. I haven't seen anyone do anything similar and I'd like for it to stay that way, thank you :)

On this note, I'm going to stop babbling and let you read. Let me know what you think!


What happens when you lock up eight WAGs in the same room, four of them being WAGs of Barcelona players and the other four, WAGs of Real Madrid players?

You guessed it: a riot.

Now, despite what you might think, and what the media wants to make you believe, most of the Barcelona and Madrid players get along just fine; the majority are actually friends. However the same can't be said about their WAGs.

You'd think the ladies considered that the rivalry of the two top clubs in La Liga applied to them as well... More simply, they canNOT stand each other.

Most times, it only made the players laugh but lately all the conflicts and jealousy between their girls has been getting out of hand...

That's when Gerard Piqué and Marcelo Vieira came to the conclusion that an intervention was much needed.

The two players, known for their pranking skills, got the authorization from their teammates to pull out a major hoax on eight of those WAGs, in order to get them to behave more civically with each other.

The plan was to organize a fake gathering at Marcelo's house, while the Barcelona players were in Madrid, and both teams would be invited, along with their Wags (or family members, as we'll see).

Gerard's job was to gather the ladies in one single room and lock them up in it for at least an hour or two.

Much effort, a few white lies and a whole lot of manipulation was needed, but in the end, Gerard completed his mission perfectly.

"You girls have been behaving ridiculously lately and it's time to end this stupid feud. We're locking you up in there and only letting you out once you start getting along" is what he had told them through the door.

His words were obviously followed by a flood of protests, but Gerard delightfully ignored them and left.

As previously said, these eight ladies have an inexplicable spite toward one another. They simply can't spend time around each other without starting to throw cutting remarks at every turn.

So when they're all confined in the same space, the atmosphere is sure to be pretty... explosive.

So it's really no surprise when the room turns into a two-sided war zone.

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