What's The Story Morning Glory? - Laurent Koscielny {PART 2}

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Oh don't mind us, that's just Megan's reaction after I told her what happened with Laurent in the locker room. We're in her car right now, coming back from the stadium.

Megan gripped the steering wheel and shook her head "Oh god no no no this is bad... Please tell me you didn't agree to go on that date?"

"Are you kidding of course I did!"

She stared at me and roared "Penelope why would you do that?!"

"Eyes on the road!" I exclaimed.

"Right..." She trailed off and turned back to look in front of her "But seriously are you insane?" She continued "Why would you agree to go on a date with Francis, you don't even like him!"

"I know," I frowned "But the guy was already too shy to come up and ask me himself, it'll crush him if I say no."

That's when she started to laugh "Oh Penelope... Sweet, sweet Penelope, you're so adorably clueless..."

"Erm thanks?" I stared blankly at my best friend.

"I mean did you forget you were dealing with football players?" She asked taking a left on the highway "Francis might be shy but it doesn't mean he can't find somebody else in 0.2 seconds!"

"Gee... Way to knock out my self-esteem, thanks."

"I'm sorry," she shrugged "But it's the truth. You shouldn't have agreed on that date, now you ruined every single chance with Laurent!"

"If you didn't notice, I didn't have any chance to begin with..."

"Yes you did! But this will create one big pile of misunderstandings." She heaved a long sigh "I'm sure there's a way to fix it though." She then pulled on the breaks as the light had just turned red "What are we going to do?"

"Well what do you think Megan? We're gonna do nothing!"

She stared at me astonished "What do you mean we're gonna do nothing?"

"I mean that I'm going to go on one date with Francis and then I'll tell him that I think he's a nice guy but that we're better off as friends."

"And after that?"

"After that, my involvement with football players will definitely be over, especially French ones."

She coked an eyebrow "Even with Laurent?"

I frowned "I told you he was out of my league."

"Gosh you're such a quitter Penelope, it's depressing" she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry but there's no use in chasing something that'll never happen" I let out, turning to look out the window.

"You are seriously unbelievable..." She sighed yet again "You really don't get it. How do you think I ended up with Mathieu?" She asked "I made the bastard chase me!"

"Well I'm sorry Meg but we can't all have your men-attracting super powers" I snapped back.

She smiled cockily "That's flattering but you still don't get it. Let me teach you a thing or two about French football players..."

"Please don't..."

"You know I speak from experience," she ignored me and continued "when I say they're bleak most of the time when it comes to women, absolute dead meats, totally and utterly clueless, in fact they wouldn't recognize a keeper from a one night stand if it—"

"Okay I get it!" I cut her off knowing that she would go on forever if I didn't stop her right away.

"My point is," she continued while taking a right turn on the road "When you're dealing with men like that, misunderstandings are a real bitch. You need to be straightforward with Laurent. If you like him, just tell him so, because leaving hints will get you nowhere."

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