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A country in war. Started only out of hate for the other. The country of Algornia split in half. One side has every luxury known to man. While the other struggles to stay alive. And it all started with the death of a beloved man. The most important man known to all. Their leader and king. A king so loved that when he died no one wanted to take his place. And so the country fell to ruins. With industry and wealth on one side, poverty and death on the other. War raged on for twenty years. With no sign of stopping or surrender.

Yet there were two families in particular that helped cause this war. It all started the night the king died. One of his advisors suggested that the country go back to the old ways, while the other wanted to move forward. They argued for days before a final decision was made. Split the country in half and see who prospers. Everyone under a watchful eye.

And so it went on that way for years. Each thinking they have the advantage over the other. The king's advisors have long passed on, and their children took over, and so did their children. Until it came down to two teenagers. Isaac Roth, Gemma Slade.

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