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Jisung watched as Changbin's car pulled up outside the diner. Seungmin didn't even wait until the car had stopped moving to open the door, climbing out of the vehicle and stumbling over to Jisung.

The younger boy instantly cupped Jisung's face, and the brunette hissed in pain, forgetting about the slap his father had given him.

Seungmin noticed this of course, and gently tipped Jisung's face to the side to get a good look at the handprint that was darkening in colour with each passing second.

"Where are they?" He growled, running his thumb over Jisung's cheekbone very gently. "I swear to fucking God, I'll kill them."

"Seungmin," Felix warned softly from the front seat, having rolled down his window. "Come on, this isn't helping."

Seungmin looked back at the boy in his arms, weighing out his options. He could either march straight to Jisung's house and give his father the punch of the century (possibly breaking his hand in the process) or he could go back with the others, get Jisung back to where he truly belonged. Sighing, he went with the latter.

"You can sit between Hyunjin and I, ok?" The younger suggested and Jisung nodded stiffly, climbing into the car before Seungmin.

Hyunjin immediately wrapped an arm around Jisung's shoulder, the brunette sniffling and going to rest his head on the older boy's shoulder.

The drive back was silent save for the radio playing faintly in the background. Jisung had fallen asleep on Hyunjin's shoulder and Seungmin was so angry that he couldn't even look at his best friend. Of course, he wasn't angry with Jisung - never in a million years - but he was sitting with the side of his face that was marked by the handprint facing him, and seeing how blotchy and red it had become over the past few hours made Seungmin want to get out and walk back to Jisung's house so he could teach his father a fucking lesson.

Felix caught Seungmin's reflection in the side mirror outside of the car and he sighed inaudibly. Changbin noticed and took his hand off of the steering wheel for one second to give his boyfriend's knee a reassuring squeeze.

"You good, Seungmin?" Changbin asked quietly, not wanting to wake Jisung.

The lighter brunette just hummed in response, obviously not 'good'. But the others already knew that - they just needed to be there for Jisung.

"Look, being angry won't help anyone, especially not Jisung," Hyunjin spoke up. "I know we're all insanely pissed off but we can't make Jisung feel like he's burdening us because of this. We have to be there for him but we still have to act natural. We can't treat him any differently because we know he doesn't want that."

"That's probably the most logical thing you've ever said in your life," Felix teased, and Hyunjin scoffed.

"Fuck you."

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