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Jisung giggled as Minho blew raspberries onto the skin of his neck, arms winding around Minho's shoulders as he relaxed in his lap.

"When Seungmin told us to spend some time together I don't think he meant this," he panted through his laughter as Minho's hands went to Jisung's waist and he began to tickle him. "Oh my gosh, Minho stop!"

Minho himself chuckled as Jisung's face went red with laughter, eyes crinkled at the corners and a big smile on his chubby little face. Eventually, Minho did relent, placing his hands firmly on Jisung's waist and rubbing his palms down his clothed hips as he tried to help Jisung relax.

Once he had calmed down and regained his breath, Jisung just stared at Minho. Stared at his large, sparkling eyes and perfect lips curled up at the corner in a fond smile and soft, wavy hair that glistened in the artificial light of the hotel room.

He couldn't help staring at Minho, at his boyfriend, and Minho noticed.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He asked with a small uncontrollable chuckle.

"Only unbelievable beauty," Jisung replied brazenly despite the blush dusting his cheeks.

"Oh, you're the beautiful one here, doll," Minho replied, hugging Jisung tighter. "I could stare at you all day and hold your hands and kiss your little cheeks and stroke your hair until you fall asleep on my lap till the day I die."

"You mean that?" Jisung asked, eyes wide with vulnerability and hope.

"Course I do, angel," Minho answered, squeezing Jisung's hip. "You deserve someone decent and - I don't mean to toot my own horn here - I think I'm pretty decent."

"You're more than decent," Jisung replied softly. "At first you were a little mean but you're just a softie with a mean exterior. And really nice hair."

Jisung's hand went up to Minho's head, fingers carding softly through the velvety brunette locks. And for a while they just sat in silence, Jisung stroking Minho's hair while Minho rubbed circles into his boyfriend's hips with the pads of his thumbs.

"I'm not too heavy, am I?" Jisung whispered into the comfortable silence, and Minho kissed his neck softly.

"Not at all, baby," he answered, pulling Jisung further into his lap. "I do go to the gym, y'know. My thighs are strong."

"I need to start going to the gym," Jisung sighed. "I used to have abs but now it's just a pouch."

"I love your little pouch," Minho reassured, running a hand down Jisung's back. "But if you want to, during summer you can come over to me and we can go together. My accommodation doesn't actually kick me out during summer break so you can come and live with me for a few weeks if you want to."

"Is that even allowed?" Jisung asked nervously and Minho shrugged.

"I'm sure no one will notice," he answered. "My RAs are shit and never notice anything. You should do it; I would love to wake up to this pretty face every morning."

As he said this, Minho ran the back of his finger down Jisung's cheek, causing the younger male to blush.

"I love you," he mumbled into the skin of Minho's neck once he had buried his face into the crook of it.

"And I love you, baby," Minho replied as he kissed Jisung's temple softly. "Imagine waking up like this everyday. With you in my arms, face in my neck. I bet you look so cute when you sleep."

"I drool in my sleep," Jisung admitted and Minho smiled.


"And I move about a lot."

"Cute, cute."

"I'd probably end up kicking you in the balls."

"Cute, cute, cute," Minho chuckled. "Everything about you is cute. Let me kiss you."

Jisung lifted his head from Minho's neck, cheeks flushed red from blushing and hair slightly messy but Minho thought he looked gorgeous.

"God, I'm so in love," Minho whispered mainly to himself before he leaned forward to kiss Jisung gently. Jisung kissed back unsurely at first, like he was scared Minho would pull back. But Minho didn't, and he continued to lead the kiss softly, rubbing Jisung's hips as he did so.

When Jisung pulled away, his eyes were closed blissfully and he had a small almost dumb smile on his face, like nothing else mattered at that point. Minho smiled wider, gripping Jisung's hips tighter as he fell back onto the bed, pulling Jisung with him.

Jisung giggled as he rolled over and off of Minho's lap, laying down next to him and curling up next to him.

"You're so pretty," Minho whispered as he ran the backs of his fingers down Jisung's cheek again.

"Why are you being like this?" Jisung asked softly, taking Minho's hand in his and pulling it down from his face to interlock their fingers. "All nice to me."

"Because," Minho answered. "Who knows when we'll get to do this again? I want to make the most out of this experience and having you next to me."

Jisung smiled softly, closing his eyes and marvelling in the warmth Minho radiated from him. He was just so naturally warm and soft and comforting that Jisung wished he could've stayed like that forever.

Or at least until Seungmin came back.

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