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oh thank god
whoever changed the gc name ily




we are going✈️ home

you'll be ok sung
we'll be here

i'm shaking lmao

where are u now?

at the bus stop lmao
my bus should be here in like 10 minutes

i wish i could go!

u don't jeongin
i don't think my parents have ever met u actually


i'm sorry :(
o shit my bus is here

bye jisung! ❤️




hey good luck on your audition
i'll be watching from above 😇

Jisung tucked his phone away as the bus pulled up next to him. The door opened and the bus driver gave him a small smile. Stepping into the vehicle, Jisung handed the man the correct amount of money for his long-ass trip back home before taking a seat near the back.

To say he wasn't looking forward to this trip was probably the biggest understatement of the century. Firstly, he didn't have a girlfriend (which he honestly didn't give a shit about, but his parents did), secondly he hadn't seen his parents in a good few years, enjoying his life with his friends much more than his life with his parents.

He would honestly much rather go and watch Minho, Hyunjin and Felix audition and be a good friend, but his parents were adamant on him visiting them.

It made Jisung wonder what they wanted to nag him about this time, since they only ever wanted to speak to him or see him when they wanted to nag. Sighing, Jisung pulled his phone out of his pocket to see a message from Minho.


thanks dude. good luck with ur parents
i'll be rooting for u and u can message me tonight :)

Jisung felt a smile grace his features at the photo Minho had sent him.

He was smiling like he was when they FaceTimed, but this time he was holding up his thumb as a way to say 'good luck'. Jisung hadn't seen Minho's face since that FaceTime call, and he was shocked at how he'd forgotten Minho was so good looking.

He remembered what Minho looked like, but he'd just forgotten how nice he looked. Seeing the picture made Jisung want to jump off of the bus and just text Minho all day, but if Jisung didn't go to see his parents then they would come to his campus which would not be fun.

After a grueling three hours, Jisung yawned and pressed the red 'STOP' button in front of him for the bus to stop at the next stop. The bus did, and part of Jisung was hoping it wouldn't. God, he really was not looking forward to this.

The walk to his parents house was only ten minutes from the bus stop, and Jisung made sure to thank the driver before he left. Manners didn't cost anything, and Jisung figured he would need to be in the best of moods before dealing with his parents.

Knocking on the door, he stuffed his hands in his hoodie's pockets as he rocked back and forth on his heels, bracing himself for the Hell ahead. When his mother opened the door, she was beaming, but when she saw Jisung didn't have a pretty girl next to him, her smile faded.

"Jisung," she said, trying to sound happy but Jisung knew she was disappointed. "I was expecting two of you here today. I made a meal for four."

"Sorry, Mum," he apologised even though he didn't mean it at all.

The older woman stepped to the side to let him in, and Jisung did so begrudgingly, wiping his feet on the doormat before toeing off his Vans and leaving them by the door.

"Your father is in the living room," his mother stated. "Do go and see him, dear. I'll take your bag up to your room."

Jisung nodded, heading to the living room to see his father, who was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. His parents were very much traditional. They had a lot of money but Jisung didn't want any of it. As a child, he was taught to be kind-mannered and proper, and while he was very kind-mannered, he'd always found happiness in being like other kids.

Of course, his parents told him off every time he came home from school covered in mud, but he never let their words discourage him. Even so, he did well in school and his parents were still disappointed when he said he wanted to study Chemistry instead of Neuroscience, but he went and did it anyway.

As he walked away from his mother, he could feel her glare settling on the clothes he was wearing, jeans and a hoodie (with a t-shirt on underneath) and he could now count on two hands how many times his parents had been disappointed in him throughout his life, and he was only eighteen.

"Hi, Dad," he greeted, trying to sound anything other than glum, but his father only hummed in response, not even looking up from his newspaper. Jisung felt a sense of betrayal settle in his stomach as he frowned, but he tried to push it down. He'd only just arrived and he already wanted to leave.

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