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u private messaged me
what a rare occurrence

shut up
i need to ask u some things about this audition


what kind of dance are u and felix auditioning with?

idk it doesn't really have a genre

v helpful

why are u asking me?

bc i'm nervous

tf why are you nervous ur not auditioning

i'm nervous bc you'll meet minho snsjsnsnsnj
can't believe ur meeting him before me

don't worry i won't steal him from u it that's what ur worried about


do u want me to record his audition for u?

no that's creepy
he'll never speak to me again

snnsjsnsj fine
also why don't u want us to tell him we know u

idk i'm awkward

if we tell him then he might dance better knowing i'm videoing it for u


come on don't even try and tell me that isn't genius

fine but don't be creepy about it

i would nEvER

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