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"You look like you want to die," Hyunjin commented through a mouthful of ham and cheese sandwich as Jisung took a seat opposite him, immediately slumping down in his seat and resting his head on his arms which were folded on the table in front of him.

"He always looks like that," Felix replied, sitting a little too close to Changbin for Jisung not to be suspicious. Not to mention the older boy's arm was wrapped securely around his waist.

"Are you ok, hyung? Did you not sleep well last night?" Jeongin asked, sounding genuinely concerned for Jisung's safety.

"This guy was up until four in the morning talking to Minho," Seungmin clarified, sounding the complete opposite of Jeongin.

"Minho?" Changbin asked, squeezing Felix's hip and causing the Australian to jump.

"Wrong number guy," Seungmin answered, setting his bag underneath the table once he'd retrieved his lunchbox.

"What did you even talk about?" Hyunjin asked. He had an arm thrown around Jeongin's shoulder and if Jisung weren't so tired he would've definitely called him out on it.

"I don't know," Jisung mumbled. "I found out we share the same time zone."

"You say that like it's nothing," Felix responded, raising an eyebrow at Jisung.

"Minho said it's nothing," Jisung shrugged. "He said loads of countries share time zones."

"This Minho guy sounds very negative, hyung," Jeongin stated worriedly, leaning over the table to place his hands over Jisung's arm. "You don't need someone who's going to bring you down in your life, hyung."

"You're so cute, why can't I adopt you?" Jisung whinged and Jeongin smiled brightly, retracting his hands from Jisung's arm.

"Did you ask him where he lives?" Felix asked and Jisung gave him a questioning look.

"I'm trying not to be a creep and asking him where he lives would be creepy," the brunette answered.

"I don't mean you need to ask him for his address, dumbass-"

"I'm older than you..."

"-I meant like country. I'm sure asking what country he lives in isn't creepy."

"What if he lies?" Jisung asked and Felix shrugged.

"His problem."

"I doubt he's a catfish," Changbin thought aloud and Hyunjin made a short noise of disagreement.

"Catfishes tend to lure their victims into thinking they have a lot in common so that the victim feels like they can relate to them and lull them into a false sense of security," the dark-haired boy explained, and the table fell silent.

"Firstlly," Seungmin stated, eyebrow fully raised. "Why do you sound like you know a lot about catfishing?"

"And secondly," Jisung continued. "Minho and I have literally nothing in common as far as I know. He has cats and I don't."

"He has cats?" Hyunjin asked, turning his nose up when Jisung nodded. "I don't like him."

Jisung rolled his eyes.

"You also speak about catfishing so formally," Seungmin continued his point from earlier. "I'm worried about you, dude."

wrong number » minsungWhere stories live. Discover now