EXTRA!: Rana

337 6 3

Grand Magic Games, two-on-two


"How dare you, how dare you!?", The blue and black dragon roared, swiping at Rogue. The claw caught on his shirt, and the slayer's eyes widened in fear as he was lifted from the ground.

"Somebody help them!", The commentator shrieked, and, as if planned, a blonde girl ran onto the dirt. "A girl!?"

"Agnicolia! Astor! As your Queen I command you to leave them alone!", Kiyoki yelled, but the dragons ignored her. "Damn you. Lost Magic: Dragon Goddess!", She began to glow as her transformation began.

"D-D-Dragon Goddess!?" The two captive men paled, and looked at each other in horror. "How many are there!?"

"Listen to me you bastards!", Kiyoki yelled, her transformation complete. "Put them down or I'm going to have to kick your ass!"

"Go ahead.", Astor chuckled, swinging his claw so that Sting was hanging above his jaws. "Not so cocky now, huh?", The dragon chuckled before letting go.

Time slowed as Sting's vest slipped off the claw, and the blonde fell,



down. Suddenly, there was a flash of blue, and Sting was flung to the side, landing painfully on the ground.

"I told you, no.", Hovering where Sting was moments ago, was Kiyoki, dragons wings sprouting from her back.

"Why is she protecting us?", Sting whispered, his eyes full of awe for the girl who stood up to the most fearsome dragons of them all.

"I am not protecting you for your sake, Eucliffe.", Kiyoki snarled, "But I will not have blood shed if I can prevent it."

"You ruined my meal, little girl.", Astor growled, taking a snap at Kiyoki, who dodged.

"Oi! Agnicolia! You can't catch me!", Kiyoki taunted, and the Destruction Dragon growled.

"I'll get you, you pesky fly!", His eyes glinted dangerously as he lunged towards her.

"OOHHH! I'm so scared!", Kiyoki mocked as she dodged, and the two dragons snapped at her wings. "Ha! You never were good at playing hide-and-seek, Arin!"

"Arin?", Rogue whispered, before yelping as the claw swung, and his shirt almost slid off the claw. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH SHIT!"

"Frosh! Lector! Help him!", Sting yelled, and the two Exceeds flew out into the arena and towards the dragon slayer.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!", The black-haired male was clinging to the claw like it was his lifeline, and his cat companions were about to pry him off when two flashes of colour, one a soft pink and another a bold purple, knocked them out of the sky.

"Do you want to get yourself killed!?", The purple cat yelled at Frosh, who's eyes widened before his cheeks turned a soft pink.

"Agnicolia is dangerous like this!", The pink cat sighed. "Let Kiyoki do her stuff, then you can get that jerk.", She pointed to Rogue, and she gasped as he slid further down the claw. "Kiyoki! Scissors, mirror, swan!", She yelled, and Kiyoki began to follow the routine.

"Sakura, are you sure?", The purple cat asked, and Sakura nodded.

"Violet, it's the only way. But, we need to get Rogue out of there.", She looked at Violet, who nodded.

"Star and stripes, in three, two, one.", The two darted off, going so fast that they broke the sound barrier, making Agnicolia and Astor roar in pain. "Now!", The pair flipped, and swiftly plucked Rogue off the claw, before placing him on the ground, where his team surrounded him.

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