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Darth Vader wanted to protect me but the only person whom I need protection from is he, himself but he don't get it & I don't have the guts to tell him about what I really feel because damn he's scary & behind that mask, who knows what kind of creature existed I prayed the day never comes when I'd have to see the man behind the mask. It's been almost a week since I was in Mustafa & I was given the freedom to loiter around but there was nothing much to do or explore as so many areas were restricted or forbidden & two troopers always followed me so I had no where to hide or escape "the princess is loitering around, I see" general Hux walked upto me, I just tried to ignored him but he stood in front of me "trying to leave so soon?"

"What do you want?" I asked annoyingly "troopers" he looked at them as the troopers left us alone "I want to know, what your dearest Vader told you" he looked at me.

"First thing first, he doesn't mean a thing to me...he kidnapped me for god sake & I'm a prisoner can't you see & he didn't tell me anything of importance & even if he did, why should I tell you...you're no lesser then him" I hissed.

"You are pissed, that's good" he chuckled.

"I'm leaving" I muttered but he grabbed my hand "not so fast" he said then he looked down on my wrist "look what we got here".

"What?" I questioned "he gave you that" he gazed at the bracelet "yeah" I replied.

"No wonder, how we found you so soon" he grinned "what?" I questioned.

"You're bracelet, it's a detector" he told me as I froze wtf "how can I take it off?" I asked.

"The only person who can take it of is he, himself" he looked at me "you mean___" before I could say another word he nodded, how can I let Vader take it off me? He told me never to take it off & it never came off after I wore it, it was impossible & I felt trapped "he will never take it off, I'm dead" I said slowly as I backed away.

"He will if you tell him, he has a thing for you" he said "and why are you telling me all these?" I looked at him suspiciously.

"Because I want what you have it's a very precious metal, if I could sell it off I'd be set for life & I can escape...I'll never have to serve the first order again" he looked at me "take it off & bring it to me, if you do that I'll let you off this planet back into the arms of the resistance" he stretched his hands wanting to make a deal "I don't know how" I muttered.

"You can trust me" he assured me as I nodded & shook his hands "deal" he grinned as he left.

I'm the worst actors of all times & I've to fool the most powerful galactic being ever in order to remove this bracelet & escape, if I can pull this off I'd give myself an Oscar award for the best actress ever in all the galaxies. My heart started to pound & my hands started to sweat as I had to do what it takes to meet Darth Vader, I acted as if I got a very bad nightmare as I cried my eyes out & rolled on my bed as the troopers were unable to calm me down they had no option but to call their master. He got to my room in no time as he walked towards me "what's wrong?" He asked one of his trooper "I think she had a nightmare, my lord a really bad one" the trooper responded as he kneeled down & placed his hand over my head, I tried my best to think of all the horrible horror movies I've seen back home because I didn't want him to find out I was faking it. He had the ability to read minds & if he did read my true mind & what I was upto, I'm good as dead.

"Leave us" he commanded as the troopers left "Kyra" he called as he gently rubbed my head "it's okay" I could feel something, a strange kind of energy coming over my body as I became more calm & my fake tears began to stop dropping. As I was able to breath normally he gave a sigh of relief but he kept gazing at me & I could totally feel it, I tried to calmly open my eyes & act as if I was freaked out "Are you okay?" He asked as he saw me opening my eyes, I nodded as he gently helped me up I leaned on the wall "thank you" I mumbled.

"You were scared" he said "bad dream, I guess" I murmured "I use to have those" he sat at the edge of the bed "you do?" I looked at him confusingly, how does he even dream he doesn't even look like a person & he looked so tough everyone is afraid of him & what was he afraid of?

"It's been a while since I didn't have them, after I met you I'm calmer" he told me, I didn't know what to say so I kept silent "that day the skull you saw, that was my grandfather" he said slowly.

"What?" I asked in shock "he passed away" his words heavy & that was the first time I felt it, he had emotions & I felt a little bad for him even though he was the bad guy & I had a million questions about the skull but I need to remove the bracelet & I can't prolong our conversation so I had to start my cooked up lies "this bracelet after I wore it I'm having all these weird dreams & sometimes it stings me, like an itch I don't know why" he stared at me for a good long minute & I prayed that he won't catch that I was lying as he moved closer.

"That's not suppose to happen" he said as I got so relieved he brought my lie, I'm good at this I patted myself on the back in my head "I'm new to this foreign land so, maybe the metal or the energy around it" I said.

"Your from earth & you're the first person I've encountered from earth...maybe there's something in the earth's atmosphere that has altered your DNA" he grabbed hold of my hand & examined the bracelet "I wanted to take it off but you said never to so I didn't, I was even scared to remove it you know" I lied more like I didn't try to take this damn thing off but I couldn't & Hux told me only Darth Vader can remove this so I'm here.

"Good" he stated "I like you, you keep your word like I do" he said as I felt a bit guilty "I should have checked it before I gave it to you but I didn't, I thought it will be okay" he said as he took it off in an instant "I'll return it in an hour" he slide it inside his pocket, oh my goodness that's my ticket out of here & how can I pull it off from his pocket without him noticing I didn't know what to do & I had to quickly act "thank you, for everything" I thanked him as he stood up, I quickly grabbed hold of his hand. They felt like humans hands but he was wearing gloves so I couldn't really tell "you have been kind to me since the start, I know people fear you but I don't" I lied as he looked down on me "kyra, you know I'll never hurt you".

"I do" I forced a smile "I just wish, I could tell you everything" he sat down.

"Tell me then?" I moved closer "you won't want to know, the truth" he said.

"No, I want to" I placed my left hand on his lap & the other on the bed hoping I would sneak my hands into his pockets & grab the bracelet asap, he looked down on his lap & then back at me "you don't want to be doing that" he said as I stammered "do what?"

"Being close to me" he said slowly "I don't mind, I like you actually" I lied how many lies do I've to tell him to get my hands on that bracelet.

"I never thought I'd hear that, from someone like you" he looked at me as I slowly moved my hands into his pocket "what people think of you, you aren't like that at all. I know that" I said as I grabbed the bracelet & tried my best to slowly pull it out.

"You don't even know me" he said "It just take a look to know a person, doesn't it?" I looked at him.

"It does" he caressed my face "I wish things were not this complicated" as I felt the goosebumps.

"Life is complicated, it's never perfect" I murmured as I slowly hid the bracelet under my thighs & to my good luck he was so focused that he didn't seem to notice at all "I've to go but we will continue this later" he said as he slowly let go of my face "sure" I nodded as he left the room.

Dark side (Star Wars fan fic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now