The resistance

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We landed on a planet that looked exactly like earth & I was glad for a moment, I'm in a place like home. It was the headquarter of the resistance a place where people like me were in plenty & I was happy to see similar faces all around. "Leia" Han said slowly as a lady walked up to us, she smiled gently as they hugged by the looks of it they were in love. Were they married or were they lovers, I couldn't tell but they were a cute couple together "looks like your man has a woman" Finn joked as he stood next to me, I punched his shoulder as he rubbed it "ouch!"

"She's kyra" Han introduced us as Leia beamed "beautiful" she pulled me into a hug "you look so much like your mother" she mumbled.

"You know my mother?" I looked at her confusingly "and your father" she smiled.

"Oh! Thank goodness, I'm trying to communicate with them but in vain" I said with relief "where are they? Are they safe?" I asked merrily.

"You don't know, do you?" her expression fell "know what?" I asked her in dilemma.

"My dear kyra, your parents are dead" she said slowly as my heart began to stop beating, I was in loss of words as I fell into the ground "you okay?" Han was quick enough to lift me up, tears filled my eyes "how?" My voice cracked.

"They were killed, when you were a child" her voice heavy "what?" I looked at her as tears rolled down my cheeks "that's impossible".

"Didn't anyone tell you?" she looked at me "tell me what?" I stammered.

"Your parents were a part of the resistance, they were attacked one night so with the help of their old rebellion friend josh they send you far away from here to protect you" she said.

"You mean, I'm not from earth...the people I grew up with are not my family?" I asked in horror.

"They are, but they aren't your biological family" she murmured "I don't belief this" I protested.

"Then how do you have that necklace of yours, and those perfectly blue eyes" she looked at me & smiled "I've always had this necklace & my eyes are blue, because mom told me in some cases even when the parents eyes are not blue their offspring are" I looked at her.

"And do you belief that?" she asked gently as I recalled my family has brown eyes all of them, it was next to impossible for me to have blue eyes & my parents including Sam had brown hair. I was the only one with dark black hair & even my blood type don't match with them what if it was true, what if my whole life on earth was just a lie & the truth is right in front of my eyes. My brain began to freeze as the very thought of that crossed my mind, but they loved me very much & gave me everything I needed & more. If I wasn't their biological daughter than I had the best parents a child could have ever wished for.

"You look down, what's wrong?" Finn asked as he walked upto me BB-8 followed "just found out a tragedy" I murmured as I lay my head on the table.

"That Han is married" he joked as I chuckled "you are irritating, you know that" then BB-8 began to squeak in happiness as a plane landed "his master is here" Finn said as he stood up.

"Whose master?" I asked "BB's" he told me.

"Didn't you tell me he was caught by the first order" I looked at him "guess, he escaped" he beamed as he ran towards the plane, there was distant between us & the plane but I could clearly make out a man in orange hugging Finn & rubbing BB-8. They talked among themselves for a while & then walked towards me, I was irritated I didn't want any unnecessary introductions for the day because after what I went through & what I heard about my parents I'm shook to the core.

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