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When I thought nothing could go worse I was wrong, absolutely wrong because my nightmare was just beginning. I could see from afar darkness all around it, it was a planet but it looked liked a black hole instead "Mustafar" general Hux said as he stood behind me "what?" I turned around as I saw this big grin on his face "we are almost there". So the place we were heading to is mustafar, it looked like a dead planet & I could clearly see the volcanic rivers all around. Was this really possible? Or am I seeing things, I couldn't tell but as the spacecraft halted the troopers escorted me outside & damn it was hot but why am I not melting I didn't know maybe the planet was not as hot as I thought it would be or maybe I was protected in a way, I didn't know but I was glad at least I'm not burning.

It was beautiful & magnificent in it's own way because no one would have imagined a planet like that would exist, everything was dark & it was hot like the sun or am I on the sun? But the general said Mustafar so maybe it's another planet, we humans never knew about. But who lives here & how is it even possible to build this massive black castle on top of the volcanic river? I wanted to know more about it but I knew I couldn't so I kept my thoughts to myself as we stood outside the spacecraft waiting for Vader to come out of the spacecraft, he was taking his time & general Hux seemed impatient maybe this was the first time he was late or maybe Hux was feeling hot.

Then he walked out with two of his troopers behind, he gazed at me for some seconds & then walked straight into the castle we followed him & as we stepped into the castle the hotness was gone & it was cool again, it was like I've entered a very high advanced AC castle on top of the volcanic waterfall. My eyes searched the halls as I was fascinated by the tall walls above me & the massive design of the silent castle, it was like no one resides in it even though I can see the troopers around. Maybe everyone living in it was as quite as a mouse, I wondered why & where was Finn was he here with us or in a prison somewhere far. I've not seen him ever since that day & I didn't know whom to ask about him because I feared if I do they would harm him, I just hoped & prayed he would be safe & sound like I was.

I was escorted to my room by two troopers as they paved the way for me to enter the room, I slowly stepped inside & gazed around it was dimly lit but I knew it was going to be my room even if I liked it or not as the door swooshed closed behind me, I looked around & examined everything but there was nothing much inside apart from a double bed, a mirror, a shelf with random stuffs & a table with a chair. Was I going to spend the rest of my days in this boring room, I might die of boredom anytime. It was a long night & I had nothing to do, I rolled on my bed or stared on the ceilings until my eyes got strained. I felt like I was inside my room for continuously two days straight, the troopers brought me food & water but I was not allowed to leave & I couldn't resist or rebel because who knows what will happen if I did. The third day as I opened my eyes I saw him staring down on me, I rubbed my eyes because I might be seeing things but I wasn't it was him in person.

I got up as quickly as I could & sat on my bed "you're awake" he said in that robotic voice of his as I felt the current once more, I forgot how he sounded "it's comforting, watching you rest" he told me & I was like wtf is he even saying "I haven't rest, in a long time" he sat down beside me.

"Sorry to hear that" I murmured because I didn't know what to say "you're so light, so free" he looked at me "yeah" I nodded, I didn't get what he was even trying to tell me.

"You're afraid still, don't be" he said "I just want to know, why I'm here & what do you want?" I asked him "hmmm.....curious I see" he chuckled low "I need you, that's all you need to know".

"Need me for what?" I looked at him "you are like me kyra, yet you never knew. I can help you" he mentioned "help me?" I looked confused & scared.

"You have the force in you, so do I & only a person who has the force can help you" he said.

"Do you want the force from me?" I asked hopelessly "I don't want the force, I want you" he said.

"Why?" I was more confused & scared "there's something in you, I don't know what but it comfort me" he said as he placed his hands on my shoulders. I couldn't move it was like he had control over me "there's this light in you, a light I've never known" I was freaked out as hell now but I didn't know what to do or say "I'll protect you, forever. I give you my word" he moved closer "and trust me, I never break my word. Ever!" I trembled as I heard those words from his mouth.

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