Yavin 4

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We landed on a planet known as Yavin 4, it was Poe's birthplace & hometown & for the moment it was the safest place for me. Back on earth if a person move to a different city or a country it becomes next to impossible to trace him/her or maybe it take years & if he/she decide to hide in the Amazon forest or the artic, no one will ever find him/her that's for sure but out here in this galaxy nowhere is safe. I've been travelling from one planet to another & even then we can been tracked, they were more advance than any other species of living creatures in the entire galaxies that's for sure. If I tell anyone back home about them none would have believed me because I can't even belief myself, I still think I'm dreaming all these.

And I'm pissed at Lina for leaving me behind & going on her very own adventure, if I was with her maybe I'd have not been in this war that I'm in now & I couldn't even communicate with her but I had a feeling she was safe & sound because she knew about these realms from the start, but she never told me & I couldn't blame her cos we only met at the capsule & she had no idea about who I was & where I was from & things like these are more secretive than we know.

"BB-8" I beamed as I saw the little robot rolling towards me, I rubbed it's belly & hugged it tight as it squeaked with happiness "he missed you" Poe chuckled as he walked towards us "you brought him here?" I looked at Poe.

"Yeah! I thought you needed him more than he needed you" he smiled as I smiled back "yes, I do...thanks Poe for everything".

"It's nothing" he said as he sat down "I was rude before, I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I mean out here the world is different from mine, I hope you get me" I looked at him.

"Yeah, I totally get it...It's my fault actually, I'm sorry" he apologised "don't be" I chuckled "I owe you" I said slowly.

"You don't owe me anything" he chuckled low "if I could do anything, to make it upto you" I mumbled.

"What about that kiss?" he looked at me & I didn't know if he was joking or serious "duh! It was just an expression" I rolled my eyes as I stood up.

"I was just pulling your leg" he smirked "yeah, you better" I murmured as BB-8 lights began to blink "stop it" Poe looked at him.

"What is he doing?" I looked at Poe "nothing" he shook his head as Finn walked towards us "BB" he called as BB greeted him warmly "I missed you buddy" he rubbed the droid's head.

"Any idea, when I'll be free to leave?" I asked Finn as he shook his head "I've to find my family, you know that right?" I murmured.

"But for that we have to locate them" Poe said "but mom has already send her location" I looked at him "what Poe is saying, is we need a bigger locator to find their exact location so we have to go back to the resistance camp" Finn added.

"Then lets go" I stood up "we can't leave, the first order will track us" Poe stood up.

"But you left & brought BB back, didn't you?" I looked at him "I didn't leave, I send a message to the resistance to bring BB here" he said.

"Then we can send them a message with the location, to let them figure out where my family is" I told him "no, that's too risky" he mumbled.

"How?" I questioned.

"BB-8 is a droid & there are tons of droids out there, getting transported from one place to the other but the location you got it's classified information & if it leaks somewhere, the first order will be the ones who will get the information first & who knows reach your family before us" he said slowly.

"What the hell?" I shrugged "I know it's complicated & I'm sorry, but belief me we are trying" he looked at me "Yeah, we are trying to find a way for you to reach your family safely" Finn added.

"I'm more worried" I clenched my jaws "don't worry everything will be alright" Finn came forward & rubbed my back "I wanted to talk to you finn, do you have time?" I asked him "yeah" he nodded.

"Personally" I stated as Poe looked at us in an uneasy expression "I'll leave you two then, come BB" he called as he held his head low & walk away with BB, who looked as upset as it's master.

"Anything?" Finn questioned curiously, I looked around & I saw we were alone "what I'm going to tell you, promise me it's only between you & me & no one else" I looked at him as he nodded "I promise".

"Cross your heart & swear" I told him "what?" He looked confused as I showed him how to do it & he did it as I chuckled a bit "you are scaring me" he giggled uncomfortably.

"You should be" I grinned "really, tell me what's the matter?" He asked slowly.

"In the Forest when the man in black...I mean Darth Vader! When he choked you, I thought you were going to die so I yelled as loud as I could & then he looked at me & he told me that I'm coming with him...back at the spacecraft our encounter was weird, it was like he could see right through me I don't know how" I said "because he has the force, the force let's him see" he told me.

"I'm telling you a story, can you please not interrupt" I folded my arms as he nodded "I told him everything honestly & he didn't force me or did anything to harm me, instead he took actual care of me & let those two troopers that chewie killed look after me 24x7. He even chocked his general the red haired guy because he entered my room & started questioning me, I thought the General was about to die but then the supreme leader summoned them" I took a breath "do you know who the supreme leader is?" I asked.

"Not exactly but he's the mentor of Darth Vader, he trains vader in the dark side" he replied.

"Dark side?" I questioned.

"Jedi's have the force with them, they are blessed by birth with the force & to be one with the force a person need intense training but some fall into the dark side of the force, instead of the light side & that's how they join the darkness like vader" he told me "you mean he can choke & read minds cos of the force?" I asked.

"Yes" he nodded "cool" I responded.

"I know right?" he chuckled.

"So back to my story, after that incident I've not seen him for awhile & then he suddenly appears in my room when I was dead asleep & takes me to another room, later I find out that's his bedroom & then I see a skull & I freak out & I jump & dash him by mistake & I thought I was going to die but he just told me to leave & I left & then few hours later, you guys rescued me" I said slowly.

"Wait! What? You dashed vader" he looked at me in shock "yes, but it was by mistake. I never meant to do that" I admitted.

"I know but how could you, I mean I've never heard of anyone dashing into vader ever" he burst out laughing "if one see vader they try to run away, not go & dash him".

"This is not funny Finn, I just wanted to tell you this because it's eating up my brain. I feel like he wants something from me" I told him.

"If what Han said is true, then he surely wants something very important from you & that's the force" he said slowly.

"He can take it, if he wants I want to go home...I don't want the force" I shook my head in disbelief.

"You don't get it do you, you can't just give away the force...the force lives in you, if you give away your force your giving yourself up" he put his arms around my shoulders.

"Okay! I'm dead now, the galaxy baddest villain wants the force that's stuck with this body & I've no option but to live a life of misery" I growled as he chuckled low "don't worry, you have us to give you all the protection & company you need".

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