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"Kyra" she shooked me as I regained my senses, I was literally not in my sense for the past few hours as I couldn't think straight & I was dehydrated as well "you okay?" she looked at me "yeah! Kind of dizzy" I mentioned as I tied my hair up in a bun.

"Well change of atmosphere & the weather here" she murmured as the old man focused on the wheels "how long, till we reach the market?" I questioned.

"We are almost there" he muttered, at a distance we saw some tents & a big space wreck as we moved closer we saw varieties of spaceships & crafts & all sorts of mechanical devices we had never heard or seen on earth "here you are" the man exhaled as he halted his truck, we thanked him as we got down from the truck & stood outside the endless tents.

"So this is the market?" I gazed around & it looked nothing like a market but a junkyard "I guess so" Lina exhaled as she stretched her arms "any idea, how can we go back home?" I looked at her as she held her head low.

"Let's just ask around. Heh?" she looked at me as I nodded & we walked into the market. Pieces of scarps & metals & all sorts of mechanical parts flooded the market place. Everyone was dressed down or shabby & to my excitement I saw different kinds of creatures & aliens in & around the market selling stuffs or loitering around, It was like I was inside a comic book or a movie & I had no idea about any of these living creatures or the place I'm in, but by the looks of Lina she seemed confident & brave it was like she has been here before or maybe she knew about these things because she was quite normal for a person who landed in an alien land.

We halted at a tent where they were selling all kinds of communication devices & the person selling it was not really a human being but an alien looking creature, who looked like a hybrid toad he was short & looked slimy but quite huge for his height he spoke in a language we couldn't understand "what the hell is he saying?" I asked but even Lina had no idea about it. Then a figure entered the shop as he stood behind us he cleared his throat, we slowly turned & saw this broad looking man staring at us.

"Anything?" I questioned out of the blue "never seen you guys around, are you new?" He questioned me back "actually we are visiting" Lina lied.

"Well, without knowing the common language of the market" he chuckled as me & Lina gave each other an uncomfortable look "didn't mean to joke, I'm Finn by the way" he introduced himself as my eyes widen Finn! His name is the name of my boyfriend but they don't look alike not even a bit.

"I'm Kyra" I shook his hand as Lina uncomfortably shook his hand "Lina".

"Nice to meet you both, I've been around these parts for quite sometime now & honestly I'm a genuine person & I want to help" he looked at us.

"Sure" I nodded as he went ahead & talked to the shopkeeper "Can we trust him?" Lina looked at me & I didn't even have the answer for that but if we wanted to communicate we needed someone to help us out & he was our only hope at the moment "so ladies, wear these" he murmured as he handed us both a bracelet of our own & as soon as we wore them our devices began to work again, Our face lightened up as we saw them working.

"Thanks" we both thanked him as he looked down on our watches "you guys are not from around, aren't you?" He asked.

"Yeah" Lina finally admitted.

"Why & what are you guys doing here, on jakku?" He asked curiously.

"Our capsule crashed" I admitted as Lina looked at me in that can't you keep your mouth shut face.

"Well, where are you guys from?" He questioned as Lina grabbed my arm & we walked out of the shop as the shopkeeper began yelling he wanted a price for his bracelets "he's a stranger, we can't trust him" she looked at me.

"I know but he's our only hope at the moment, god knows where we even are" I muttered.

"We are at jakku the den of thieves & scavengers, he must be one of them" she mentioned.

"I don't know what the hell is jakku or what this place really is, the only thing I know is we need to escape this planet & go back home" I said.

"Okay ladies! I can hear you both loud & clear & I don't want to interfere but I just want you both to be clear, I'm not a thief or a scavenger I'm a solider" he told us "solider of what?" Lina asked.

"It doesn't matter, it's been long" he added.

"Your an ex solider then? You retired?" I looked at him "well hell no! I'm still young" he looked at me in an unreadable expression.

"Okay" I mumbled as Lina began to laugh. "It's not funny" he folded his arms.

"I'm sorry" I apologised as he beamed "apology accepted, now can you guys please pay the shopkeeper so we can leave".

"What do we pay him?" Lina asked.

"Why don't you give him that" he said as he pointed at the power bank I was holding "but I use this to charge my phone" I looked at him.

"You have the solar phone case with you, right?" Lina looked at me "maybe" I mumbled as I pulled up my phone "look, the black case is the solar case" she told me as I chuckled "never knew". We handed over the power bank & we headed towards the tent where Finn was living, I've never trusted a stranger in my life before & this was the first from Lina to Finn & I knew they both were genuine people from different worlds. As we approached his tent we heard a noise coming from inside, it sounded mechanical & as we walked closer we could see the machine spinning round & round.

"BB-8" Finn squeaked as the machine greeted him like a puppy "that's Lina & that's kyra" he introduced us as the machine rolled towards us in excitement as it lights began to flicker & it began to make the weird squeaky sound again. I rubbed it's head & it seemed to like it as the lights began to flicker more "he likes you" Finn smirked.

"What is this by the way?" I questioned "he's an astromech robot" he told me.

"Oh cute!" I smiled as I examined the little robot whose height was till my knees "you named him?" I asked as Finn came forward "no".

"So, they come with their own names?" I looked at him "to be honest I found him, in the desert a week ago & he's been here with me ever since. He belonged to a pilot named Poe after his capture BB-8 escaped & made it's way here" he said slowly.

"That's tragic! Who captured his owner?" I asked curiously "the first order" he mentioned.

"Why?" I asked more curious.

"He was a resistant pilot & there has been tension in our galaxy for a while now, war has been going on for ages" he told me.

"We wanted to escape earth for a better place on space & we come here & find out, it's all the same everywhere.....irony of life isn't it?" I said slowly as I stood up "you're from planet earth?" he stood up.

"Yeah! You know it?" I questioned "I've heard about it, I've never seen or been there" he looked at me.

"Well, it's just like jakku in a way" I mumbled.

"It's trillions of light years away from here almost impossible, how did you guys even get here?" He asked curiously "for that mr, you need to ask Lina she's a better narrater than me" I said as I walked away from the tent.

Dark side (Star Wars fan fic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now