The bracelet

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I didn't know why I was even here & why among all the others, was I the prisoner of the first order. I had no valuable information nor am I an important figure then why am I here? Is it because I'm from planet earth & none of the others came from earth so they wanted to study me or was it because I was mingling with the resistance. Whatever maybe the case, I was not liking it here because I was a prisoner & I didn't know what they were going to do to me or what they were upto. As I was lingering inside the room where I was kept, under the tight supervision of the two storm troopers I began to examine them closely. I had nothing else to do & I was fascinated with their outfits do they ever remove their armour, is there an actual human being inside or some were alien creatures & robots.

I had so many questions to ask them but I didn't know where to start & I didn't want to piss them off by asking them anything as they were just standing like statues & not questioning me, I touched everything that was inside the room like a kid because it amazed me & I was bored because there was nothing else to do. Then a stormtrooper walked in & handed me a box without saying a word he left, I opened the box & saw a bracelet inside it was gold in colour but it didn't look like gold it looked more expensive than gold "shall I put it on?" I asked the two troopers inside but they didn't say a word. Was it for me or was it for somebody else, I didn't know but it looked nice it was a plain golden bracelet but the finishing of it was so precise & it shined in a way I've never seen any gold shine before. I put it back in its box & sat down on the recliner, I wanted to leave but I couldn't. I wanted to explore but I couldn't, I had to be inside that room for god knows how long.

As I opened my eyes I saw the man in black staring down on me "You're awake" he spoke in his robotic voice as I quickly got up from the recliner, how long have I been sleeping I didn't know & how long was he examining me I couldn't tell, I was spooked but I tried to remain clam "don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you" he said.

That made me freaked out more, why was he saying this if he wasn't going to hurt me I thought "you're afraid aren't you?" he looked at me as I shook my head as a no, can he read my mind? Wtf is he some kind of magical being? He chuckled low "Come, I want to show you something" I just followed him without question, I was afraid to even talk to him he seemed like a very powerful being & everyone was scared of him & I could feel it. As he walked around the spacecraft everyone who came in his way stopped & made way for him, I had a feeling he was the master of the spacecraft but if he was the master who was the supreme leader? Is the supreme leader present in the spacecraft as well? Or was he somewhere else I wanted to interview everyone around me but I couldn't, I was a prisoner & the best way to be safe was if I kept my mouth shut.

As we reached a door he paved the way for me to enter first, I didn't know why he wanted me to enter but I did. I couldn't open my mouth in front of him, was it fear or was it because he was not what I think he is. As I stepped into the room, I noticed it was a dimly lighted bedroom not so big yet not so small everything was dark yet not that dark. Is this where I'm going to stay from now on I thought to myself as I gazed around, at least there's a bed & I won't be sleeping on a recliner & maybe there's a bathroom attached I assumed but my thoughts were interrupted "what are you thinking?" He asked as he stood behind me "nothing" I lied.

"You like it here?" He questioned & to be honest I didn't like it here but I was afraid to speak my mind, what if he decides to throw me into a dungeon or spacecrafts don't have dungeons "it's okay I guess, but not like home" I stammered.

"This is where I reside" he looked at me as I got more confused, is the spacecraft his home or was he talking about the room then I looked around & I saw some pretty weird stuffs & I knew this was his bedroom, I freaked out more why am I in his bedroom now & how can I escape as these thoughts clouded my mind he walked towards the bed & stood there looking down on something. I slowly backed away towards the door but darn, I didn't know how to open the fucking door & there were troopers outside where will I even run to "stop right there" he said as he turned around, how Tf did he even know I'm at the door I began to freak out more as I pressed my lips & rubbed my hands "come here" he called as he sat down on the bed. Okay I'm dead now or I'm going to die, this is the end of me I thought to myself as I walked towards him he patted on his bed & I knew he wanted me to sit besides him I tried my best to sit an arm distance from him.

"You know how I found you" he said slowly as he looked down on his palms, I kept quite I didn't know whether he was testing me or he was really serious about it "the moment you landed on jakku, I felt it" his voice louder as he placed his hands on his lap. How did he know where I landed & how do he even know things about me, did someone tell him or can he read my mind I was more confused & freaked out "you don't belief me, do you?" he looked at me as I gulped "you are afraid" he stated as I felt the hair on my neck standing up. Then from under his long black cape he pulled out a box & it was the same box that I've seen before, he handed it over to me I hesitated but I slowly stretched my hand & took it "wear it" he said & without a question I opened the box & took out the bracelet, I didn't know how to unlock it or do I just put it on like a bangle as I looked down on it in confusion he took the bracelet & unlocked it & put it around my wrist, in an instant it got locked & it shrunk to the size of my wrist. Can I ever remove it again, I didn't know because it looked like a magical bracelet.

"Thank you, I guess" I thanked him because I didn't want to be rude since he gifted me something, even though he kidnapped me but he was not being rude or abusive & I wanted to keep our relationship that way "it stays with you the whole time, understood" he told me as I nodded, okay so I can never ever remove this bracelet ever again or he might come & choke me like he does to people. A moment of silent fell as I gazed around, then to my horror I saw a skull next to the bed I've seen skulls in my life before but not that close & not open like that I reacted in the worse way I could as I jumped a bit & screamed, then I realised I've hit someone from behind & that was him. I got more scared wtf did I do, back in the days if a servant or a prisoner or a low class person touches their master by mistake their hands are chopped off or they get punished or killed & I'm here lost in space & I hit the master of the spacecraft or worse the galaxy. I didn't know what to do "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" I apologised as I closed my eyes, praying he won't scream on my face or order his troopers to throw me off the ship or choke me from his psychic abilities but instead he didn't react "leave" he said & as soon as he said that I rushed towards the door & it opened by itself, as the two troopers guided me back to my room.

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