The attack

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"Can I have a word with you?" Poe came forward as BB-8 followed like his shadow "yeah, sure" I responded as I tied my hair up in a bun.

"I'm seeing you do that, for the first time" he beamed "what! you never saw a lady tie her hair up?" I chuckled "no" he replied.

"How?" I asked curiously "been a loner for years" he told me "what? Are you kidding me" I giggled.

"I've been really busy with my piloting duties, I've no time for relationships & the ladies I meet here becomes family" he smiled a bit.

"You mean like us" I looked at him "no, don't go there" he chuckled as I tried not to laugh.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked "that me & BB are going to the resistance base camp, and we will locate your family" he told me.

"Really? You would do that for me" I beamed "yes, I'd. I'd do anything for you" he smiled.

"Thank you, thank you so much Poe" I hugged him unexpectedly as he hugged me tight "just be safe, when I'm gone" he whispered in my ears.

"I will" I smiled as I removed my watch & gave him "nice bracelet, you got there" he complimented as he saw my gold bracelet "thanks" I mumbled but I didn't say I got it from vader because it would be odd in a way I guess & I didn't want them to know, not because I want to hide it but because it's stuck on me & I can't remove it. It's not uncomfortable nor do I feel it, it's like my skin & that's why I'm scared of it.

"And promise me this" he looked into my eyes "you won't take any drastic steps, and wait for me".

"Sure, I won't" I assured him as he kissed my head & left with BB who was very cheerfuly beaming.

"I'm bored" I complained as I lay on the grass "same" Finn agreed as he lay next to me "Do you see that?" I asked as I saw an object on the sky "I do" Finn said as he stood up & examined "oh shit!" He yelled as he pulled me up "What?" I asked.

"The first order" he yelled louder as he grabbed my hand & we ran towards the buildings "How Tf, did they get here" I said as we ran inside an old building "how should I know?" he muttered.

"It's only been a day & they are here" I said as I covered my mouth with my hands as we hid under the basement "and we are alone there's no Poe, no chewie or Han" Finn stammered "And the weapons, are on the tent" he gulped.

"Let's hide & pray they don't find us" I said slowly as I heard blasters & lasers everywhere "let's hope" he whispered as he hugged me tight, he was scared as hell & so was I but I didn't show it. Then in some minutes some troopers walked in & opened the basement, it was like they knew where we were. They escorted us outside towards the spaceships & there the man in black the one they called Darth Vader was standing & staring at us "kill me" Finn whispered as we neared him.

"You shouldn't have run" he said in his robotic voice as it send chills down my spine, that voice was so powerful yet magnificent & it electrifies the whole body "we had to take the trouble to come all the way here & destroy this peaceful village, because of you" he looked at me. I said nothing I was more freaked out than before was he going to punish me or choke me but he didn't "This time we are taking her friend as well" he ordered as his troopers grabbed Finn into a spaceship "you are coming with me" he said as I followed him into his black spaceship.

"I don't like when people run away from me, especially you" he looked at me as we sat down "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you" I apologised even when I didn't want to but because I was scared if I react in the wrong ways, I might end up dead.

"I get you, you don't know who you are or where you are from. You are confused, let me help you" he stretched his hand towards me "actually, I'm good" I stammered as I hid my hands behind my back.

"I know you are scared but don't be, I'm not the one you should be scared of. I'm here for you" he leaned closer as I tried my best to back away but there was no space behind me, I was literally touching the spaceship metallic walls.

"If your pissed or mad about what I did before, I mean dashing you. I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to" I apologised again hoping he will back away from me "that doesn't matter" he said as I can clearly hear his robotic voice vibrating through my body.

"Lord vader" a trooper called as he turned towards him "we might have a problem" the trooper said as he stood up & walked towards the trooper, I gave a sigh of relief as I calmed myself down.

"Finn" I called as I saw him been dragged out of the spaceship, a trooper stood in my way but vader gave me his permission to talk to Finn "Are you okay?" I questioned as the troopers backed away from him "yes, I am & you?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm okay" I assured him as tears filled his eyes "I'm sorry, I failed to protect you".

"Finn! Please stop this" I said "we are okay, that's enough" I told him.

"Yes, but I'm dead when Han & Poe or chewie finds out & the resistance" he sniffed.

"Don't even mention the resistance" a trooper spat.

"We have to go" Darth Vader called me as I had no option but leave "take care" I mouthed as Finn nodded & left with the troopers.

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