Visiting Julia

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The next day Sarah came to Lindsay's door. Sarah I missed you so much, Lindsay said hugging Sarah. Congrats on the baby girl I'm so happy for you and Ashley Sarah said. Thanks Sarah and I'm sorry I haven't been in touch recently I've been busy with the baby and with shit but I promise we will hangout all the time forever, Lindsay said. Awww Lindsay I'll promise we will hangout and we can soon and catch up. We arrived at Julia's house. Hi Ms. Donaldson Lindsay said giving her a hug. Hi sweet heart how are you? Theresa asked. I'm good I had my baby a couple days ago and me and my girlfriend are doing good I just want to see Julia. Hey Lindsay come here Julia said. Hey Julia Lindsay said. How are you doing best friend? Lindsay asked. I'm doing well, I go to court in a week to get full custody of Anna and Neveah Julia said. That's good are you not doing random shit anymore? Nope I changed I went to a two month rehab in Georgia last year and also I took some counseling classes and I finally got a therapist who understands me Julia said. I'm so happy that your better I love you Julia and I'm so proud of you I remember when we first met in middle school it was great I remember and miss our Friday night mall trips with Sarah and Claire. I talked to Claire recently and she lives in the apartment complex's where you live but on the fourth floor. Awesome sauce Lindsay said. Me, Julia and Sarah decide to go to the mall and go to Torrid. After the mall Lindsay and Julia go to the beach near her house and they go tanning. So I heard you dated a 22 year old and you had a child with him? Julia asked. Lindsay do you remember the girl code we made in sixth grade when Robby broke up with you over a t shirt from Justice? Julia asked. I remember Robby he recently started texting me again and he congratulated me on the baby and that he's doing good and he has a family of his own. That's good but I'm mad that Justin isn't apart of the baby's life, I remember I used to smoke weed with him and we used to get High as fuck together but then idk what happened but I'm so glad I have my shit together for my kids and I'm doing it on my own Julia said. After an hour of hanging out with Julia for two hours Lindsay and Sarah went back to her house. Hi Ms. Tanner how are you? Lindsay asked. I'm doing well Lindsay how's the baby doing? She's good Ashley's been taking care of her most of the day while I've been hanging out with Sarah I really missed her. Aww I missed you here to Lindsay I miss you and Sarah in elementary school you used to come over here after school all time and I miss that Ms. Tanner said. After visiting with Sarah and Julia most of the day I came home to my girlfriend and my baby girl. Hey honey how was seeing Julia? Ashley asked. It was good I missed seeing Julia and her mom there still like my family to this day Lindsay said. Lindsay went to sleep a couple minutes later and decided to go grocery shopping with Ashley the next day and get some formula and diapers. I'm so happy that you spent some time with Julia yesterday Linds I love you babe. I love you baby and this is awesome Ashley. A couple months later Lindsay turned 21 and Ashley and Lindsay are planning there sunflower wedding for February 14th.

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