First day of classes

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*Fast forward to Monday* first day of my childhood development classes today I'm super excited. I got up and got dressed and ate some breakfast. I raced to my class and sat next to two girls, Alicia and Savannah. All of us chatted about our summer and boys and this lecture were about to have. I saw Justin a row behind me and he kissed me again like always. Babe, I didn't know you were taking this class Justin said. Yeah I want to be a daycare teacher when I grow up. Awesome Lindsay you're going to be a awesome teacher Justin said. After class I went back to my dorm with Justin and we started cuddling and he spooned me with pleasure. Justin starts nibbling my neck and I start laughing cause it tickles. Someone's more ticklish than I thought? Justin asked? Yes I squealed. Watch out Linds the tickle monster is coming rawr!!!! I start screaming and he tickled me, tickle tickle tickle he said in a monster voice I never laughed this hard since I was a kid Justin kept on tickling me and he finally stopped. I love tickling you babe Justin said kissing me. Aw babe I'm so glad I'm ticklish as hell I said. It was getting late so Justin went back to his dorm and I went to sleep so peacefully. The whole week was great and my classes are awesome I'm so glad I'm here. Justin and I have been talking and going on A LOT of dates mit's our 10th date since we met and I'm glad he treats me right, Matt treated me right in the beginning and then I got accepted into college and he changed and he hated me after that. But It's Friday night and me and Ashely had a girls night and got a mani and a pedi at the nail salon across campus, I love having girl days with my roommate it's so cool.

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