The Secret

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I didn't know what to do or who to call I just stood there and looked at the pregnancy test and cried. Ashley ordered pizza and got me two cartons of ice cream and chocolate and we just ate like crazy and watched tv. I didn't know what to tell Justin I didn't want him to know but he is the father of my child that's growing inside me. I decided to text Justin...
Me: umm babe I have to tell you something important it's an emergency!!!!
Justin: I'll be right there give me three minutes.
I waited for Justin and he came in and hugged me as I was still crying my eyes out... shhhhh calm down Linds it's going to be ok I promise you one hundred percent. Justin this is serious, I'm pregnant and I don't know what to... WAIT LINDSAY YOUR PREGNANT!!!!! Why didn't you tell me earlier??? I was scared you were going to break up with me and not be part of my life any... Lindsay Annette Young I promised you the first time we had sex that if you got pregnant I would be there for you and the baby so please don't worry babe. I kissed Justin's cheek and then I called my mom, her reaction was great she said she'll support me through every step of the way, my dad freaked out and told me to call him in a couple of days. I'm just glad my mom isn't mad I mean it was my first time having sex and I enjoyed it with Justin. After that episode I decided to sleep on it it's already been a crazy day and with me finding out that I'm pregnant I had to call a doctor and schedule a appointment and then Justin and I would have to go the appointments and yeah I'm just stressed as fuck.

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