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Two weeks have passed and my professor is back and I've been to classes ever since he got back. He got me a card for my birthday and he apologized about leaving the class without giving us ahead of notice. Halloween is Thursday and Justin and I are going trick or treating since I can't go to a party due to me being pregnant, So Lindsay what are you and Justin going to be for Halloween? Ashely asked. We're going to be Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin Lindsay said. Aw cute I don't know what Austin and I are going to be yet. I went over to Justin's dorm and hung out with him and cuddled with him. Babe? Justin asked? Yes? Are you ok? I started crying for no reason and I went to the bathroom and wiped my tears away I must be getting more emotional now that Ive been pregnant for a month and a half I told myself. I went back to sleep in Justin's arms and he kissed me and rubbed my back and told me that everything is going to be ok babe you have me and our little girl will be here soon. I woke up and went to Alicia's dorm and hung out with her and Savannah and we watched Halloween movies and full house most of the day. I went back to my dorm and Ashely decided to treat me to a salad since I've been feeling sad and stressed due to my pregnancy. I've been going to my therapist more due to me being an emotional wreck and crying every 10 minutes sucks. The next day Ashely and I surprised our whole class with the news that I was pregnant and that I was having a girl and I needed name suggestions. So the class chose between three names, (Madison, Charley, and Stephanie) so we had a baby Harding name contest that's going to go on for a week. Any way after class Ashely, Justin  and I went to my doctor appointment again they had to draw blood and I got more sonograms and she is adorable I think she's going to look like Justin I said winking at Justin. After the doctors appointment I went to my P.O. Box and got my Halloween costume in the mail so I tried it on and it fits like a glove I was so happy. I spent the night at my dorm but Ashely and I switched beds since the doctor told me to sleep on a memory foam mattress until the baby is born but Justin came over and switched our mattresses so I would be more comfortable when I would go to sleep. I woke up and it was finally Halloween I normally hated this time of year due to my aunts death the day after. Ashley and I checked our early childhood development class to see which name is winning, so far Madison is winning and Charley is in second place. I started writing down middle names for my baby I was thinking about my middle name Annette it would sound so cute that my baby will have my middle name. I hung out with Justin the whole day and he and I talked about names for the baby and also we were talking about plans for thanksgiving break sadly were only off for five days, Justin and I found out that we live 10 minutes away from each other so that's a major plus cause when this baby is born in July we can be close to each other but Idk if I'm going back to Frostburg next year after the baby is born or what... I started getting ready and Justin said I looked cute and he tickled me and I ran around his dorm like a five year old. We went trick or treating and it was so much fun I didn't eat any candy though so I decided to give them to Justin. I went to sleep and I slept so good and I slept in til 8:30.

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