Baby time

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Three weeks passed as it was Lindsay's due date, she felt contractions that were two minutes apart so Ashley and Lindsay went to the hospital immediately. Ughhhhh these contractions suck!!! Lindsay screamed. It's going to be okay babe Ashley said kissing Lindsay's hand. About fifteen minutes later the doctor came in and gave Lindsay an epidural. She squeezed Ashley's hand tightly as she was getting it, and a couple minutes later Lindsay was back to her normal self. Baby when will this baby get out of me? Lindsay asked Ashley. I hope she comes out soon the doctor said you were 6 centimeters dilated when she checked you after a half a hour you got the epidural Ashley said. A couple minutes later Justin came in the door and hugged Lindsay. Oh how I missed you Lindsay Justin said kissing Lindsay on the forehead. Justin what's going on? Lindsay asked. Lindsay I want to be part of Caroline's life I got a good job, my mom and I are doing good and... EVERYONE OUT EXCEPT FOR MY GIRLFRIEND!!!! Lindsay yelled. Everyone rushed out of the room while Lindsay starts crying. Sweetie what's wrong? Was it Justin? Ashley asked hugging Lindsay and kissing her cheek. Yes babe it was Justin I don't know what he's thinking but why does he finally want to be in her life, he didn't go to the baby shower like I asked him to a hundred times and I talked to his mom earlier this week and she says he doesn't pay rent and that he's smoking pot again. Lindsay you know I'm going to be our baby's mom she'll have two moms and a god mommy and a a grandpa and grandma on each side of the family Ashley said. But what if she asks me one day where daddy is. Lindsay exclaimed shedding a tear. Well tell her the story when she's older don't worry about it baby it's going to be ok it's me and you and Caroline till the end Ashley said. Lindsay calmed down and about a hour and a half later it was time to push. Ashley and Justin were in the room holding each of Lindsay's hands. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,and 10 take a nice deep breath Lindsay the doctor said. I see the I see the head Justin said. Ok one more big push Lindsay. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH Lindsay screamed and the baby came out of her. Its a girl everyone the doctor said cleaning the baby off and getting it's height and weight. And here's your healthy 7 pound, 8 ounce baby, Ashley cut off the umbilical cord and the baby was happy and crying. Hi baby, I'm your mommy Lindsay said softly. We're both your mommies Lindsay and Ashley said kissing. Congrats Ms. Young let us know if you need anything the doctor said. We bought a beautiful baby girl into this world Ashley said. I'm so happy that we fell in love and now we're engaged and have this beautiful girl to raise into a beautiful home. But where's Justin? Lindsay asked. He went to go skate boarding and smoke a blunt with his friends Ashley said I called him about the baby but his response was I was never ready to be a father and why I had sex with Lindsay is beyond me I mean she's a awesome kisser and she's beautiful as hell but I don't see a future with her at all. Damn well it's his loss he's missing out but I kinda knew you turned me on at thanksgiving Lindsay said winking at Ashley. Two days later Lindsay, Ashley and Caroline we're ready to go home. They walked in the house and put Caroline down for a nap and Lindsay  pumped milk. A couple minutes later Caroline was hungry so Lindsay fed her and Tori came to the door. What's up homie? Tori asked congrats on the baby girl she's so cute Tori said. Thanks Tori she's a really heavy sleeper and she sleeps in her own room but we have a air mattress in there for when she's having a rough night and can't sleep Lindsay said. That's awesome Linds, has Justin seen the baby yet? Tori asked. He called me earlier while I was pumping milk but he sounded high as hell and his words slurred so yeah he's going back to his old ways and I also heard from Julia's mom the other day, she said she finally got help and she's off drugs and doesn't drink and she really wants to see me again so I might go down to her house soon and catch up since I haven't seen her since middle school, we used to have sleepovers all the time and we used to go to the mall and meet older college boys and we used to get caught stealing candy Lindsay said. Was she a bad influence on you? Tori asked. No she just did stupid shit but we sadly went to different high schools which messed her up completely because she started drugs her freshmen year and whenever I'd come over there to hangout she'd be high but I always get in touch with her mom to see how she's doing and everything Lindsay said. I honestly wish I could've helped her but I didn't know how to I was so close to moving her in with me but that would've been bad because then I would be addicted to drugs and I didn't want that, but that's all in the past and yeah. So when are you going to see her? Tori asked. I actually asked if I could see her tomorrow while Ashley watches Caroline tbh I'm scared of going by myself so I asked another friend of mine, Sarah that also was friends with me back in elementary school to come with me so I won't start shit. That sounds good well if you ever need help with the baby I'm always here for you I'm across the hall I love you Lindsay. Aww I love you to Tori thanks for being a awesome BFF since you moved in a couple months ago. Tori gave Lindsay a hug and snuggled with Ashley. Hey babe I'm seeing Julia tomorrow with Sarah will you be ok with Caroline? Lindsay asked. Of course I will I used to be friends with Julia back in elementary school but then her dad passed and things got rough but she's told me all about you in high school Ashley said. Aww that's sweet well good night babe I love you Lindsay said kissing Ashely's cheek.

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