He asked and I said yes

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I got out of the shower and put on the outfit Justin got me, he also told me to do my hair so I put it up in a ponytail. Justin picked me up and first we went to a diner for breakfast I ordered all the pancakes I wanted. Justin took me to Old Ellicott City and we walked around he got me something from every store there and we met up with a photographer and got our pictures taken. The photographer told me to turn around while Justin was getting something out of his pocket... five minutes later and Lindsay turned around and Justin asked four words Lindsay's been waiting to here, "Will you marry me?" Justin asked. Yes Justin I will marry you, he picked me up she spun me around and kissed me like crazy. I was crying tears of joy on the way home. I walked to Justin's house and Claire gave me a hug and said congrats sweetie I love you. Justin's family treats me like I'm there own I said to myself. I went home and my mom was so happy and excited for me now that Justin and I are engaged and having a baby in a few months. The next day Claire took me out for breakfast and she took me shopping for clothes and more school supplies. After that I stayed with Justin for a few hours before going home, Justin loves spending time with me it shows that he's a good fiancé and I can't wait to get married to him but I don't know when I'll be married I thought to myself... I went home and hung out with my mom trying to get stuff ready for thanksgiving tomorrow, it's going to be me, mom, dad, and grandma my mom said. Sounds good to me Lindsay said. Lindsay, I'm so happy you're with Justin your so happy and he loves you so much you guys are going to be good parents and then my mom starts crying and then I start crying I feel like I'm growing up to fast but it's ok I got my family to support me every step of the way.

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