The Mob

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Turles looked at the crowd, "The beast will make off with your children! He'll come after them in the night!" 

"No!" Goku yelled. 

Turles yelled louder, "We're not safe 'til his head his mounted on my wall! I say we kill the beast!!" The crowd cheered and agreed. 

"We're not safe until he's dead!"

"He'll come stalking us at night!"

"Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite!"

"He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free!"

Turles stood tall, "It's time to take some action, boys it's time to follow me!" He got a torch and threw it in the hay, causing an instant bonfire and prances around it. He talked about dangers that the horrible beast could bestow. 

"Through the most, through the woods

Through the darkness and the shadows, it's a nightmare, but it's one exciting ride, say your prayers than were there at the drawbridge of a castle, and there's something truly terrible inside, it's a beast. He's got fangs, razor sharp ones massive paws killer claws for the feast. Hear him roar, see him foam, but we're not coming home, til he's dead good and dead kill the beast!"

Goku interjected, "No! I won't let you do this!!"

Turles turned to the young man, "If you're not with us, you're against us!! Bring the old man!!" 

Gohan squirmed, "Get your hands off me!!"

Turles looked at the crowd, "We can't have them running off to warn the creature!!" 

Goku was locked in the basement with his grandfather, "Let us out!!"

Turles huffed st his futile struggle against the bolted lock. 

"We'll rid this village of this beast! Who's with me?!"

A chorus of "I am!" Was heard loud and clear. 

"Light your torch mount your horse screw, your courage to the sticking place where counting on Turles to leave the way, through a mist to a wood, where with in a haunted castle, something's lurking that you don't see every day, it's a beast, one as tall as a mountain, we won't rest till he's good and deceased. Sally forth tally ho! Grab your sword, grab your bow. Praise the Lord and off we go! We'll lay siege to his castle and bring back his head!"

° ° °

Goku tried to pry open the basement window with a stick. 

"I have to warn the beast! This is all my fault, grandpa! What're we gonna do??"

Gohan comforted him, "Now, now.. We'll think of something!"

Goten looked over at them then saw something that caught his eye. It was Gohan's axe contraption. 

- - -

"We don't like what we don't understand it frankly, scares us, and this monster is mystery at least! Unafraid, al though the danger just increased!"

"Raise the flag sing the song, here we come we're 50 strong and 50 Frenchmen can't be wrong, we'll kill the beast!!"

- - -

Buruma hopped over to the prince, "Pardon me master-"

The Royal sighed, "Leave me in peace.."

"But sir! The castle is under attack!"

The mob was heard from outside, they chanted, "Kill the beast!" Repeatedly as they tried breaking down the front door to which Kuririn and the other objects tried holding closed. 

Kuririn sighed, "This isn't working!!"

18 looked at her lover, "Oh, Kuririn! We must do something!"

An idea popped into the candelabra's head, "Wait, I know!"

The mob still chanted loud and proudly. Buruma was scared for her master. 

"What shall we do, master?"

The prince looked rather sad as he spoke, "It doesn't matter now... Let them come..."

"Kill the beast! Kill the beast!" The mob practically sung. 

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