Odd Man

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Goku makes his way into town and sung, "Little town, it's a quiet village. Everyday, like the one before. Little town, full of people, waking up to say-" 






"There goes the baker with his tray like always. The same old bread and rolls to sell. Ev'ry mornin' just the same... Since the morning that we came to this poor provincial town..." The brunet sung with a sigh. 

"Good morning, Goku!" The baker waved. 

Goku smiled and made his way to the bakery, "Mornin' Monsieur!"

"Where are you off to?" He questioned. 

"Ah, the bookshop! I just finished this amazing story about about two kids who go in search of things called dragon balls! And..."

The baker was ignoring him, "That's nice, Goku... Fasha! The baguettes! Hurry up!!"

Goku shrugged and started to walk again. 

"Look there he goes, that boy is strange no question. Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?" The crowd proceeds.

A lady whispered to the barber, "Never part of any crowd-" 

"Cause his head is up in some cloud..." The barber muttered. 

"No denying he's a funny boy, that Goku!" 

Goku jumped onto a wagon and smiled, looking at the busy folk that passed by. 

"Bonjour!" The driver greeted a lady. 

"Good day!" She replied. 

"How is your family?" He smiled.

"Bonjour!" Another lady greeted the merchant. 

"Good day!" He responded. 

"How is your wife?" She asked. 

A woman came up to a man, "I need six eggs!"

"But that's too expensive!" He exclaimed. 

Goku sighed, "There must be more than this provincial life!" He hopped of the wagon and entered the bookshop. 

The bookkeeper smiled, "Ah, Goku!"

"Good mornin'. I've come to return the book I borrowed!" 

The keeper got the book and placed it back into it's rightful place. "Finished already?"

"I just couldn't put it down! By the way, do you have anythin' new?" 

The keeper laughed, "Ah, not since yesterday."

Goku climbed up a ladder and pushed it to his desired spot. "That's alright. I'll borrow..." he scanned the shelf, until he found a book, "This one!" He slid down the ladder. 

"This one? But you already read it twice!" He looked at the cover. 

"Well it's my favorite! Faraway places, martial arts and magic! A prince in disguise!" 

The bookkeeper smiled, "Well, if you like it all that much, it's yours!"

Goku gasped, "B-But sir!"

The keeper chuckled, "I insist!" 

"Thank you, thank you very much!" Goku waved at him and exited the store. 

A few men looked through a window, seeing Goku. 

Beauty and the Beast (Goku x Vegeta)Where stories live. Discover now