Turles' Diabolical Plan

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Piccolo nodded, "Hahah! Splendid- Wai- You what?? How could you do that?!"

The prince sighed, "I had to...."

Piccolo blinked, rather amazed at the Prince's calm demeanor, "Yes, but why..?"

"Because... I love him..." He simply answered. 

• • •

"HE DID WHAT?!" The other objects, except for Piccolo, exclaimed. 

"Yes... I'm afraid it's true.." The clock sighed. 

Goten frowned, "He's going away..?"

Buruma shook her head, "After all this time, he's finally learned to love..."

Kuririn blinked, "Well that's it then? That should break the spell!"

Buruma shook her head, "But it's not enough. He has to love him in return-"

"-And now it's too late..." Piccolo added. 

° ° °

Goku was looking for Gohan and once he found him in a snow bank, he carried him home. Salza smirked, "Oh, they're back...!"

Gohan opened his eyes, noticing it was no longer cold and he was no longer outside. He met the honey brown gaze of Goku's eyes. 


Goku hesitated to speak, but eventually did so, "It's all right grandpa... I'm home.."

Gohan smiled, "I thought I'd never see you again."

"I missed you so much-"

"But the beast? How'd you escape??" Gohan suddenly remembered the horrifying creature and their encounter. 

Goku shook his head, "I didn't escape, Grandpa.. He let me go."

Gohan's eyes widen, "That horrible beast..?"

"But he's different now. Somehow he changed.." Goku explains simply. 

A little sound was coming from Goku's belongings, only for Goten to pop out. 


The male smiled, "Oh? A stowaway."

Gohan smiled at the little chipped cup, "Oh, hello there little fella! Didn't think I'd see you again!"

Goten looked to Goku with a questioning look, "Goku.. Why'd you run away? Don't you like us anymore?"

Goku frowned, "Of course Goten! It's just that-"

There was a sudden knocking at the door and Goku went to open it. To his surprise it was Frieza. 

"Uhhmm... May I help you?" The young man asked. 

"I'm here to collect your grandfather." The tyrant stepped aside and pointed to the asylum wagon behind him. 

Goku rose a brow, "My.. Grandpa?"

"Don't worry Monsieur. We'll take good care of him!"

Goku huffed, "He's not crazy!"

Salza came up to clarify, "He was raving like some lunatic! We all heard him, didn't we?!"

The bystanders nodded, a few saying a yes as confirmation. 

Goku shook her s head, "No! I won't let you!"

Gohan walk up behind him, "Goku?"

"Ah, Gohan! Tell us how big the beast was old man!" Salza chimed. 

"W-well he was... He was e-enormous! I'd say eight feet tall! Or ten!" He exclaimed. 

Salza and everyone else laughed, "You don't get crazier than that!" 

Gohan pleaded for them to believe, "It's true I tell you!" 

Guards walked up and picked the old man up, taking him to the wagon. 

"Take him away!"

Gohan struggled to resist, "No! Let go of me!"

Turles smirked as he watched from the sidelines. 

Goku tried getting to Gohan but was shrugged off and pushed away. 

Turles helped him up, "Tsk, tsk, tsk... Goku, it's a shame about your grandfather.."

Goku looked at the male, "You know he's not crazy Turles!"

Turles looked at Goku, " I might be able to clear up this little misunderstanding if..."

"If what..?"

Turles grinned, "If you marry me!"

Goku eyes widened as he seemed to look pale. "Wh-what?!"

"One little word, Goku! That's all it takes!" Turles pursued. 

Goku pushed him away, "Never!"

Turles shrugged, "Then have it your way.." He walked off slowly, playing hard to get. 

Goku shook his head, running inside for the magic mirror. 

Gohan screamed and yelled for his grandson that he thought abandoned him. 

When he came back, he yelled, "My grandfather is not crazy! And I can prove it!!" He looked at the mirror, "Show me the beast!!"

The magical vanity shines and shows the beast in his still depressed state Goku left him in. 

The crowd ooh'ed and aah'ed. One woman looked at Goku, "Is.. Is he dangerous?"

Goku shook his head, "No, he'd never hurt anyone! I know he looks vicious, but he's really kind.. And gentle! He's my friend!" (Betcha that hurt the beast XD) 

Turles growled, "If I didn't know any better, you have feelings for this monster!!"

Goku glowered at him, "He's no monster, Turles! You are!"

Turles laughed, "He's as crazy as the old man!!" He snatched the mirror from him. 

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