In search of Grandpa Gohan

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Salza smiled, "Ah, Goku is going to get the surprise of his life!" 

Turles nods, "Yep! Today shall be his lucky day!" The black-haired brute let go of the branch he was hanging onto, only for it to hit Salza. 

Turles turned to the guests and band, "Thank you all for coming to my wedding! But first, I better go in there and... Propose to the man!" 

All the guests laughed heartedly as some cried their eyes out, wishing they'd be the lucky one. 

"Now, you Salza. when Goku and I come out that door-" 

"Oh I know, I know!" Salza began directing the band, "Here comes the groom, here comes the groom-"

Turles gritted his teeth and slammed a baritone over Salza's head, "Not yet!" 

Salza rubbed his head, "S-sorry..."

Meanwhile, Goku was inside, reading his book. That is, until a knock came at the door, causing the brunet to set the book down and make his way to the door, peering through the viewing device. Once he saw Turles on the other side, he let out a groan and opened the door

"Oh Turles, what a... surprise.." Goku stated, unenthusiastically. 

Turles walked in, smirking, "Isn't it though? I'm just full of surprises. You know, Goku. there's not a guy in town who wouldn't love to be in your shoes. This is a day..." The brute looked into the mirror, licking his tooth clean before proceeding, "This is the day your dreams come true!"

"What do you know about my dreams, Turles?" Goku asked the conceited man. 

"I know plenty. Here, picture this-" Turles plopped down in a chair and propped his mud-covered boots onto Goku's book. He then kicks the shoes off and wiggles his toes through his hole-invested socks. "A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire, and my little husband, massaging my feet, while the little ones play with the dogs."

Goku looked positively disgusted at this. Turles gets up next to his face, "We'll have six or seven!"

Goku rose a brow, "Dogs?"

"No, Goku! Strapping boys, like me!" Turles stood up straight and proudly.  

"Imagine that..." Goku muttered, picking up his book, placing a mark in it, and put it on a shelf. 

Turles looked at the other young man, "And do you know who'll that little husband be?"

"Hmm... Let me think-"

Turles cornered Goku, smirking, "You, Goku!" 

Goku's face went pale. He ducked under Turles's arms and backed away, "Turles, I'm speechless. I really... don't know what to say.."

Turles pushed past the chairs, making his way to the young brunet, "Say you'll marry me."

Goku reached back for the doorknob, "I'm very sorry, Turles, but I just... don't deserve you-"

Turles grunted in response as he tried pinning Goku to the door, but the brunet turned the knob, opening the door and ducking under Turles's arms, causing him to tumble out the door and into the mud. 

As Turles appeared, the wedding band started playing. When Salza looks at Turles, he could see his feet sticking out of the mud and a pig's head popping out of where his head is supposed to be. Salza immediately cut the band off. Turles popped his head out of the mud, the pig on top of him, causing Turles to tilt his head to make the animal slide off. 

Salza finally spoke up, "So... how'd it go?"

Turles frowned, picking Salza up by the neck, "I will have Goku marry me! Make no mistake about that.." he dropped Salza into the mud. 

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