School Pt.2

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When the bell finally rung for the end of the day, I grabbed my books and stuffed them frantically into my bag.

"What's the big rush?" Smirked Aidan, slowly easing his pencil case into his rucksack.

"The sooner I'm out of this hell hole, the better." I said, helping shove his stuff inside his bag, before leading him outside.

The cold air nipped at our fingers as we strolled down the path outside school, a constant reminder that I'd forgotten  my gloves inside my locker. Seeing me shiver and rub my palms together, Aidan grabbed my hand, intwinging our fingers. His palm was warm, and my face was even warmer as a blush crept up my neck.

"Hey," He said, spinning me around to face him, "Wanna grab a coffee?"

"Sure." I said, but it sounded like more of a question than an answer. Aidan didn't tease me, just clutched my hand a little tighter and pulled me along towards town. When we entered the center, a group of people with cameras and iphones surrounded us, zooming in on our interlocked hands.

"Woah woah woah, do we have some gossip or do we have some gossip!" Shouted a man, balding with grey hair and who, I noticed and had no doubts about why, had no wedding wring.

"You have no gossip!" I said chirpily, turning away from the camera. Aidan followed me, but we were blocked off by the man again.

"So she's your girlfriend! Tell us a little about that."

"She's not my girlfriend." Proclaimed Aidan, giving them a winning smiled before attempting to tug me away, hand still grasping mine. The man gripped my arm.

"Come on hon, you look sensible, tell us a little bit about it."

"Okay, I will. When we see people on the streets holding hands, we imidietly think that they have a romantic connection." I started. " I think it is unfair to belive that. We do not wish to be flocked like sheep and demanded to tell a lie. Now, I know you're just doing your job, but if we say we are not dating, which we aren't, you should understand that it is true. Cheerio!" I smiled, and finally allowed Aidan to pull me away. We entered the coffee shop and sat down in silence.

"That...was awesome." Laughed Aidan "You should have seen that man's face!"

"Oh, I assure you I did." I snickered, pulling a shocked expression to mimic his. A laugh and then it went silent again, only to be filled by us ordering and slurping our hot beverages.

"What would you say if I did ask you to be my girlfriend." Asked Aidan suddenly, looking straight at me, into my eyes.

"I'd probably say yes." I said shyly, grinning. "Is that your strange way of asking it?"

"Maybe." A pause. "Y/n, do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

I smiled even wider and nodded, feeling my heart swell as a goofy grin plastered itself on Aidan's face. He offered his hand once more, but this time I took it before he could make the move, and pulled him closer to me. There was no paparazzi when we left the cafe, nor on the way home, and the day ended with Aidan walking me to my door, before placing a sweet kiss on my forehead, then a peck on the lips, before shyly saying goodbye, and walking down my driveway.

Just before I closed my door, I heard a little 'YES' coming from where he had just left.

ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇᗯᗩᒪᒪ - Aidan Gallagher  imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now