Chapter 19

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" permanent damage..."

"...didn't hit the femoral artery. Once he wakes up, we'll check if his head injury did any..."

" on crutches up to two to four weeks. I know the police want him in protective custody with them, so once he wakes up, we'll see how he's doing then. If his head injury did anything with his memory or he's dizzy or has any symptoms of something we didn't see in the MRI and CT scans, then we'll keep him here for a little while longer. We'll just have to wait and see until he wakes up," I hear a soft, feminine voice say. My ears had been going in-and-out for awhile and I've heard many voices, but this one felt much more professional than the rest.

Along with my hearing coming back, so were all the feelings in my body. There was a mask covering my nose and mouth that made breathing much easier, but it was starting to become annoying because I could breathe just fine without it. My left thigh felt numb and like it wasn't even attached to my body anymore. But besides that, I felt no pain. I was just tired and annoyed because I could feel a bunch of wires and other things sticking to my body. My chest was practically covered in things that made my anxiety start to get higher.

After a few tries, I was able to get my eyes open. The light in the room wasn't as bright as I thought it would be. In front of the hospital bed I was currently laying in was a woman wearing a white lab coat and scrubs while talking to my family. My parents were listening intently to what the woman was saying while Kadri and Ximena sat in chairs right behind them, holding each other. They looked very nervous while they also listened to what the doctor was saying. Next to Ximena stood Aria, whose face was red and puffy with a worried expression.

I let my eyes drift down to look at me. My lower half was covered in a thin blanket, but I could see that my left thigh was wrapped with something that made it look bulky underneath the blanket. I could see a bunch of machines to the left of me, all with wires that connected with my body. I noticed that there were square things sticking to my chest with different colored wires attached to them. There was something in my arm, which I assumed was an IV because that was basically the only thing I knew about hospitals. They love poking you with needles. On my finger was this thing encasing it that made it feel heavy.

And once I look at all these things attached to me, I look around the room for a specific little boy that I just want to hold right now. But he was nowhere to be found. He wasn't with Kadri or my parents or even with Aria. He was nowhere to be found... "I know the police want him in protective custody with them" is brought back to me. Does that mean I'm in danger? Does that mean Beckett wasn't caught? ...Did that mean Kai was with him?

Before I could even think on that thought anymore, my right hand reaches over to my left one and I pull the thing off my finger. It hits the ground with a loud noise that gains the attention of everyone in the room. I don't pay any attention to them as I reach up and pull the mask off of my face. When the band brushes against the back of my head, it makes me wince slightly, but it wasn't too much pain that I couldn't handle.

"Levi," my mom says, rushing over to me along with everyone else. She reaches down to grab one of my hands, but I just pull it away before reaching my hand to my chest to start pulling the sticky things off my chest. I scratch at my skin, letting my nails bite against my chest as I try to scrape these sticky things off of me.

"No, Levi, no," the doctor says, rushing to my other side to stop me from removing any of the other equipment stuck to my body. I don't even look at her as I push her hands away and continue to try and pull these annoying, horrid things off of my chest. They were making me feel constricted and were continuing to send panic through my body.

"He doesn't like things on his chest. Take them off," Kadri supplies to the doctor that was continuing to try and stop me from taking the things off of my body. As soon as the doctor hears that, she starts to carefully peel the sticky things off my chest. Once they were all off, I felt immensely better. I look around the room again, trying to find that little boy with slightly curly, brunette hair. When I see that was definitely not here, I start to panic even more.

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