Chapter 14

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"Left right here?" Aria asks, pointing to the intersection we were approaching. We were on the way to my parent's house since that's where Kai and I were probably going to spend the night for the next few days. I had called my parents a bit after Aria and Kai met for the first time and told them all that had happened. They immediately said they would be leaving within the next few minutes and were probably already on their way. I then called Kadri and told her the story as well and she also said that they would be on their way home in the next hour once the meeting was done.

None of them would be back for the next three hours, so I had some time to spend with Aria until they arrived. Kai was currently asleep in the backseat since he was still absolutely exhausted from the day that had happened, even after his nap. After he met Aria, Roman called Officer Daniels for me and he showed up to the office five minutes later. I explained to him all that had happened and unfortunately, he told me that since Beckett hadn't broken anything and he didn't break-in, there still wasn't much he could do due to lack of evidence.

Apparently, my apartment building doesn't have any cameras, so there was no proof that he was there. Roman had instantly told him that I was hurt and that should count for something, but Officer Daniels still said there was nothing he could do. He said that there was still no proof that Beckett had done that to me, except for Kai and I's statements that he was there. So, basically, calling the police did absolutely nothing again and I was regretting even telling them.

We stayed at Roman's office for about an hour after Officer Daniels left, just talking and playing with Kai since Arabella also seemed to be in love with him. After that, Aria offered to drive us to my parent's house since we both knew that it definitely wasn't safe if I drive right now. Even as I sit in the passenger's seat, an ice pack was pressed against the back of my head since I was told to keep icing it for the next few days. Arabella had checked me out and told me that it didn't seem like I had a concussion, so I felt good about not going to the hospital.

"Yeah, left here," I tell Aria, glancing behind me to see that Kai was already falling asleep. He was wide awake a few minutes ago, telling Aria all about his friends at daycare. They were hitting it off so well that I saw no problem in letting Aria take us to my parent's house. I could've easily called an Uber or something, but why do that when my boyfriend could drive just as well?

In the next few minutes, Aria pulls into the driveway of my parent's home with my instructions before turning his car off. He gives me a smile before sitting back in his seat like he was waiting for us to get out, acting like he was leaving as soon as we left. I just tilt my head at him with a small glare and he gives me a confused look before whispering to me, "What?"

"You're coming inside," I whisper back, not wanting Kai to wake up again. "I'm just going to put him in the guestroom and then we can talk. No one will be here for the next three hours, do you just want to leave me alone?"

I knew I was guilting him into staying, but I genuinely don't want to be alone right now. Kai would be asleep for a while, so I would probably just be overthinking in the living room until my family showed up. Aria chuckles a bit before nodding his head. "No, I don't want to leave you alone."

I smile before getting out of his car before opening the backdoor to see my boy completely passed out in his car seat that I had transferred from my car to Aria's. I carefully unbuckle Kai and pick him up, making him whine a bit before falling back asleep after I bounce around a bit. Unfortunately, it was still raining and slowly getting towards a thunderstorm, so I grab the blanket Roman had loaned me before throwing it over Kai's head to not get him wet. I make sure he's comfortable before rushing towards the front door with Aria following behind me with the rest of my stuff.

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