Chapter 9

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"Daddy, where are we going?" Kai asks me from his car seat while I rush to get to the police station since Officer Daniels had finally contacted me and told me that he had some information on the man that tried to pick up my son. It's been a month since the incident at daycare and I've been worrying constantly and having no information made things 10 times worse. I didn't have time to drop Kai off at Kadri or my parent's house, so I just decided to bring him with me since I had my phone and some headphones for him to use so he didn't hear anything.

"We're going to the police station, buddy. Do you know what that is?" I ask him in a happy tone, so I don't scare him or anything.

"Police station is where bad people go. Are we bad?" He asks, looking confused when I glance in the rearview mirror at him. I immediately shake my head, giving him a smile to make him feel better.

"No, we're not bad people. I just have to talk with someone, okay? Then, we'll go back home and we can play whatever you want," I tell him. He seems happy with my response and doesn't ask any more questions. He kept his eyes busy by staring at all the buildings passing by as I continue to listen to where my GPS was telling me to go. I notice that Kai was holding Alfie, which is what he named his monster stuffed animal that he takes everywhere with him.

When I park in a space, I quickly get out to grab Kai from his car seat. When I see that his face had become one of concern, I stop everything I was doing and look down at him with a smile. I brush my hand over his head before securing the blanket around his body that I brought with since it was pretty cold out today. Before I could ask him what was wrong, he speaks up. "Something's wrong."

I frown at his statement because I didn't think I looked like I was scared or nervous or anything. I had tried to remain happy for him, but I guess I hadn't been doing a good enough job. I run my hand over his head again as I give him Alfie before closing the car door. "Nothing's wrong, Kai. Everything's alright."

He reaches his tiny hand up and runs it over my eyebrows that must've been furrowed. "Wrong."

I smile at his statement before pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I promise you that everything's okay. I'm going to talk to a really nice officer about the man at daycare. Do you remember him?"

"No, Daddy! I don't want to talk about the man!" He says, immediately becoming scared from me mentioning it. I hold him closer to me, not realizing that he was as scared about the incident as he was. He hadn't shown any fear about the man, even when he went back to daycare. He just acted like nothing had happened and moved on, but I guess he was too scared to even talk about it. I had talked with him about it multiple times since we had made up the safeword, so I assumed he understood that he was safe, but I guess not. I lean back against my car as I lightly rock him since he was now shivering, probably from fear instead of the cold.

"Kai, I'm meeting with the nice officer about protecting you. Remember what protect means?" I ask, making him think for a moment before his face brightens and he nods eagerly.

"Keep safe," he tells me, looking proud of himself for remembering what I had taught him.

I nod my head, giving him a smile to make him feel better. "Yes, exactly. We're going to keep you safe, but in doing so, I have to talk with the nice officer. You can watch PAW Patrol while we talk, do you want to do that?"

He gets a little smirk on his face before he smiles innocently at me. "Can I have ice cream when we get home?"

I hold in my sigh because this kid was going to be the death of me. "One scoop, that's it."

"Okay, Daddy!" He says, looking much happier now that he got his way. Maybe bribing him isn't what I was supposed to do, but I didn't have much time to dwell on it. I chuckle at my son before moving towards the front door to the police station while Kai rests his head on my shoulder. I open the door before making my way to the front desk that held a woman wearing a police uniform and a tight braid on the top of her head. When she sees me coming, her smile brightens when she sees the little bundle of joy in my arms.

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