Chapter 16

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"I love you, Daddy," Kai says to me before rushing forward to give me one more hug even though I just told him that the last hug was the last one. I didn't care though since this was his first day back to daycare after the whole Beckett thing happened. Yesterday, my parents, Kadri, Ximena, and I spent the day playing the games Kai wanted to play and watched movies to have a relaxing day before we had to go back to the real world. After Aria left on Saturday night, I sat down with Kai and asked him how he felt about my boyfriend and he went on for what felt like hours about how much he liked him.

I was surprised that he wasn't jealous or anything, but I made sure that whenever Kai and Aria were in the same place, I showed Kai more attention because the last thing I wanted was for him to feel like I was replacing him. But I guess that having more people in his life to listen to him talk and for him to play with really excited him, so that was good. I was really happy about that.

"I love you too, buddy, I'll pick you up later, alright?" I remind him to make him feel better about me leaving.

He nods eagerly before kissing me, which he usually doesn't do whenever we're here at daycare, so it showed me that he really was nervous about today. I ruffle his hair before standing up while one of the workers escorts him into the room where the rest of the kids were. I watch them leave and stay in the spot even after I couldn't see my son anymore, wondering if I should call off from work and spend the rest of the day with him. It's too soon. He only had one day to relax after that horrid day, so it was definitely too soon for him to be alone.

I go to move into the room where he just went into, but someone gets in my way. I look up to see Margaret, the owner of the daycare center that had assured me multiple times that my son was safe here. I used my mother's phone to call her yesterday, filling her in on everything that happened because I didn't want her to worry when Kai might act a little off today.

Margaret gives me a small smile before patting my shoulder lightly. "I know you're worried and I know you probably don't think he's ready," ...fucking mind reader. "but he won't ever be ready if you keep taking him home."

I give her a confused look. "But I haven't taken him home yet."

"Yeah, but if you take him home today, then there's a higher chance you'll keep him home the next and the next and the next and-" she says, telling me that she was right. That's probably exactly what I would do.

I sigh before waving her off. "You know, you don't always have to be right."

She chuckles before patting my back. "I promise you that he'll be alright. If anyone shows up for him that's not on his list, we'll call you immediately... oh, right, your phone's broken. Uh, we'll call your mother, alright? He'll be okay. I'll keep an eye on him all day."

I smile, nodding my head before letting out a sigh. "Okay, thanks, Margaret. I'll see you at six."

"See you then," she says with a smile and wave before walking away from me. I take a few more seconds to look at the room in front of me before sighing and walking out of the daycare center. I make my way back to Aria's car since he drove Kai and I here this morning, just like we had planned on Saturday. I slowly get in the car before leaning back in the seat, continuing to stare at the building in front of me.

"You okay?" Aria asks me, not making any move to drive back to his place until he knew how I was feeling. I look over at him to see him looking a bit concerned while masking it with a small smile, but thankfully, I was able to see through his masks at this point. Well, some of them, at least. I just let out a sigh and lean over, setting my head in his lap to persuade him to run his fingers through my hair since that easily makes me feel better when he does it. He doesn't even hesitate, just starts to do it like it was an instinct for him.

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