Chapter 4

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"Daddy!" Kai calls me as he holds onto Ximena's hand like I had instructed him to do while I get stuff out of the car with Kadri. When I look behind me at my son, he's bouncing up-and-down while he looks at the beach that we were about to hang out at. It was too chilly for us to go swimming, but Kai loves all the colors in the sky when the sun sets, so I thought the beach would be the perfect place to bring him.

"We're coming, Kai," I tell him and continue grabbing the bags that I brought filled with toys and food. When Kadri and I had gotten all the stuff, I close the trunk to my car before walking over to Kai and Ximena. My son immediately rushes over to me and grabs my hand before pulling me towards the beach. Thankfully, we all only lived like half an hour from here and the weather was pretty good today, so we decided to come.

Ximena and Kadri lay out the huge blanket that I had brought with while I lay out the plastic buckets and shovels for Kai. He was jumping up-and-down again, making sand fly up underneath his tiny sneakers that I had put on him this morning. "Look at the waves!"

I smile as I look up at the crashing waves that I could hear as soon as I opened the car door when we arrived. I grab Kai as he starts to run towards the water and he squeals a bit as I hold him tightly against my body. I hold him like a baby as he keeps laughing his high-pitched laugh as I use one hand to tickle him while the other holds him up. He squirms in my arms, trying to get away from me as he keeps lightly hitting my chest like he does whenever we were play-fighting.

"Daddy, stop!" He squeals before wrapping his arms around my neck and finding the strength to pull himself up into the regular position that I hold him in. He looks up at me with a huge smile before burying his face in my neck with a giggle.

"Are you tired, buddy?" I ask him, brushing some of his hair out of his face before he buries his face in my neck again. He instantly shakes his head against my shoulder, but I could tell he was a bit tired. He didn't sleep in the car, which he usually does, so I knew he had to be a bit sleepy.

"I want to play!" He tells me before pointing to the ground. I get the idea before settling him back onto his feet so he could start to play with the bucket and shovel in front of him. I make sure he was okay before walking behind us to sit down on the blanket with my best friends. I keep my eye on Kai for a few more moments before looking at Kadri, who was giving me a curious look.

"What?" I ask, but I already knew what she was going to say.

"Are you going to tell us what happened two days ago? You told me you were going out to the bar by your house and then you never texted me again that day," she reminds me. After I had picked up Kai, we just went home and watched some kid's show that he loves because he was in a pretty cranky mood from being interrupted by a nightmare from his nap. At that point, it was too late for him to go to sleep anyway, so I had to keep him awake until it was his bedtime. He wasn't happy about it, but he was okay now.

"Nothing happened," I tell her with a shrug of the shoulders, making sure I sound as innocent as possible. When I look up at Kai again, he was running his fingers through the sand while staring at the water in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Oh, shut up, we know something happened," Ximena tells me with a tiny glare and I chuckle, shrugging my shoulder again. I grab my water bottle before taking a sip and looking away from the two girls who were staring at me and waiting for me to speak.

When I don't say anything, Kadri slaps my shoulder with a whine. "Tell us, you idiot! What the hell happened?"

I immediately look at her with a glare when I hear what word she used. "Language."

"Right, right, sorry," she says with a guilty expression as she glances up at Kai, who luckily wasn't listening to us since he was so focused on shoveling sand into the bucket. I let out a sigh before turning to Kadri and Ximena who were already looking at me like they were waiting for me to speak about what happened.

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