Chapter 17

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"Air-ia?" Kai asks, looking super excited that I just told him that we were going to hang out with my boyfriend for the day. Kadri had recommended that I spend a day with him and Kai, so the two of them could get to know each other even better. After Aria confessed to me that he had lied to me about working for Roman, it was hard for me. Right after he told me, I had forgiven him, but that doesn't take away the fact that my trust went down a bit.

"Yeah, we're going to hang out with Aria. Does that sound fun?" I ask him while we search through his drawers for clothes that he wanted to wear.

"Yes!" Kai says, jumping up-and-down a bit at the idea. I chuckle before motioning for him to pick out clothes. He takes a few minutes to decide before grabbing his striped shirt and blue joggers since he loved how soft they were. I let him change himself since that's what he likes to do since it gives him a sense of responsibility before grabbing his hand and pulling him into the living room. I put on his shoes for him while he tugs on his stuffed animal's arms while mumbling something that I couldn't quite understand.

After about a week of staying at my parent's house, I thought it would be best to go back to the apartment since it was making Kai cranky to not be in his familiar setting. But now, whenever there was a knock on the door while I was here alone with Kai, I would send him to his room while I answered it, just in case Beckett came back. But there hasn't been anymore contact with him, so I was hopeful that he was done messing with us. But I couldn't be sure.

"Ready to go, buddy?" I ask Kai, settling him on his feet. He instantly slides his hand into mine before following me out of the apartment after I grab my phone and keys. Kai decides that he wants to take the stairs today, so I wait the extra time for him to take each step before we get into the lobby. After the short walk to my car and getting him strapped into his car seat, I drive the short distance to Aria's house with my burner phone giving me directions.

Once I pull up to Aria's apartment, Kai's eyes go wide when he sees the cute building in front of us. "Is this where Air-ia lives?"

"Yeah, buddy, Aria lives here," I tell him, smiling at the way Kai says his name. Even though I've coached him dozens of times on how to say my boyfriend's name, he still couldn't seem to remember it. It was close enough, anyway.

After taking a bit of time to get Kai out of the car and letting his tiny legs walk beside me, we finally make it up to Aria's apartment. I pick my son up in my arms before allowing him to knock on the door since he asked to. After waiting for a few minutes, the door is unlocked before it swings open to reveal a smiley Aria standing there. "Hi, guys!"

"Air-ia!" Kai says in a happy voice before holding his arms out for him to take him. I carefully transfer my son to my boyfriend before he throws his little arms around the older man's neck. I follow behind Aria as he walks further into the apartment before sitting down on the couch to start asking Kai questions about his week. My heart flutters as I watch Aria's smile get even wider whenever he hears my son's giggle.

He does seem to be okay with kids. I mean, every time Kai has ever been mentioned or he's seen him, there was never any negativity that I could see. I just couldn't comprehend that this man, this man that was definitely a paternal-type, dropped his family so quickly just because he was getting a sister. It didn't make sense to me, but as he said, he changed.

I settle next to the two of them on Aria's couch, dropping the backpack I brought onto the ground. It was mostly filled with drinks for Kai along with a few toys he wanted to bring. I also came fully prepared with an outfit change for him because I had no idea what was going to happen today. And I wasn't going to deal with a dirty child if I could help it.

I look over at Kai as he moves his hands around while he explains to Aria all about his day at daycare yesterday. Apparently, he had an amazing day because he'd already explained this story to me twice without realizing that he had repeated himself. I didn't mind because if he had a good day, I wanted him to focus on those more than the bad one. Rather fill his little body with positivity at a young age before the world ruins it, you know?

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