Dark secrets(1)

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I wandered around the woods again not entirely sure why i was here except for the source of power I thought only Lissa, Jade and I have. The source needed help...I'm not sure what type of help but the stranger was one of us, maybe the stranger would be an ally maybe an enemy. Then, unsurprisingly, my thoughts drifted to a subject i enjoyed. The multiple forms of pain i would love introduce to my enemies Mathew and Jordan. Both had brown hair, green eyes, caramel skin and were kind of cute.( Not that I was going to admit that anytime soon)The only promblem is-well the usual-they both annoy me half to death. They mocked my every changing eye colour, my pale skin and black hair. Unfortunately...If I do inflict any form of pain, people would get suspicious of us. Bad enough my own "parents" refused to let the world know we exist...Hell they do everything they can to wipe out our existence...Worse to be nick-named "Vampire"because of my pale skin and "Witch"because of my eyes. Ironically, they practically found out a secret i could never tell without being abandonded and rejected again. I was not human. My sisters were not human. Only my step-mother and step-father were human in my family. Most of the people in this small town were but Mathew and Jordan.( To me,thier very existense goes against nature.)  

Both Lissa and Jade had a special gift. Lissa (the middle sister) has the ability to manipulate water to do what ever she wants and the usual mental stuff like: seeing the future, telepathy, ability to manipulate and control minds, teleport (though she sucks at it), rip secrets out from a persons mind and throw a person into their deepest darckest fear. Jade (Youngest sister) could manipulate fire and the usual mental stuff. Me however could do what ever there was to do.Manipulate fire, water, earth, wind and the usual mental stuff and super strength and all. Cool right! WRONG!....Well the reason why we can't do anything is because if any human found out, we would be :  

1. murdered (painfully and mercilessly)  

2. not considered human and be experimented on or  

3. used to find others of my kind then either of option 1 or 2.

So Lissa's rules are(If it were anyone but her i would break every rule) :  

1.No practising using our powers  

2.No talk of being adopted  

3.Not to tell a human about what we can do  

4.(for me) No misusing powers even as a joke  

So i practised deep in the woods where no one could watch. One of my biggest problems is my love to break the rules. If Lissa found out she would throw a big hissy fit and lecture me and then yell and attract alot of attention. So you can kind of guess why i practise in the woods...

I had almost reached the source of power.Close enough to sense the stranger's aura, it somehow seemed familiar...Like I know the person but I also don't know the person and did not want to know the person...Suddenly a 'Flash Back' hit me  

A man and a women were talking/arguing quickly and quietly like they expected to be caught and killed. The man was blond with impossibly green eyes, tall and well built. The woman looked...well... She looked like me. She stood tall and proud, her eyes were daring him to challenge her. Her long ebony black hair  

hung to her waist, her eyes shifted colour according to how the light fell on them and she was pale. His name was Delos and her name was Rashel-similar to my name-I knew that like how i would know my sisters names.  

"Rashel please don't-" Delos pleaded  

"I have no choice" Rashel sighed "Quinn is DEAD! They know where i am now they don't know about my daughters they don't know about you yet. Though I am so glad to know you have escaped and are alive and well. But please protect my children send them to a human home a TRUSTED human home. They deserve a life where none of this touches them. Please protect them from afar promise me this and now... Kill me."  

"What!?" Delos exclaimed.  

"My daughters location will not be given away so long as they don't find you. They probably ripped the information about where i am out of Quinn. If i die BEFORE they find me, my memory will not be ripped out allowing you and my daughters to escape. Raksha, Lissa and Jade will live hopefully safe happy lives. Keep them away from our past i don't want them to 'Inherit' my memories." Rashel-My mother i realised-said gravely.  

"I promise to try to protect them.There is no sure way to tell if they will live the lives you hope they will." Delos -my mother's close friend-said matter of factly.  

Rashel sighed "I know but i can hope.They are in the closest safe house. Make it quick."she muttered.  

The 'Flash Back' ended at my mothers words. She had literally given her life to protect us from something or ones. No way was i telling Lissa or Jade about this danger. Not until i know as many details as possible then i would decide. Now I could guess who the stranger was and he has ALOT of questions to answer...Smiling my most disturbing smile at no one in particular i stepped into the clearing where "The stranger" was...

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