We can forgive, We can't forget

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It was lunchtime, Joe, Bryan, Michael and all the girls were eating chicken sandwiches. Kevin and Nick haven't shown up yet.

"Well 'life' brought back us for a reason. You were the happiest people on the planet when you were with us, maybe bringing the family together is the way for the world's way of trying to make you girls happy" Joe said

"Joe, please don't…" Miley started

"No Miley, you will listen to me for once. I care about all of you, WE care about all of you. Me, Nick, Danielle, and Kevin all care about you. Sure Nick made a mistake, and he knows that he regrets that, but all he has been doing lately is asking how you are, if you have met someone new, now how's Mikayla. He cares and loves you so much Miley, and I know you love him, so please try and talk to him, for both of your sakes" Joe pleaded

"I tried Joe, but we just ended up yelling at each other, and pointing out each other's faults. He made it pretty clear by some of his comments that he doesn't want or love me anymore" Miley cried out, tears coming once more, blurring her vision

Danielle raced up and cradled Miley in her arms. "I'm sure he didn't mean what he said, Miley. He loves you, I know he does" She told Miley as she continued to cry into her blouse

"N…No he…he does…doesnot. He ha…hates m…me" I stuttered out

"I could never hate you Miley" they heard a masculine voice say

Miley turned out of Danielle's comforting embrace and saw what seemed to be the outline of Nick, but she couldn't be sure because of the tears.

"We'll leave you two to talk," Danielle said as they walked out of the dining room, leaving an awkward silence in her wake.

Nick made his way towards Miley's seat sitting next to her.

"I was really stupid you know," He said

"What?" She was thoroughly confused

"I was just so afraid of us Miles. I was afraid we were falling too fast, too deep, and that you would eventually not want me anymore. I was afraid of that heartbreak, so I broke up with you first, and I've never stopped loving you, Macy." He told Miley as he put his head in his hands.

"Don't humor me, Nick, if you don't love me you can tell me?" Miley told him

"I do love you, Miley, so much it hurts. The comments I made earlier were made out of shock, and anger; I mean you didn't tell me I had a gorgeous daughter, I've missed things in my child's lives, I was hurt and wanted you to hurt too" He said in what seemed like an honest voice

"You wanted me to hurt as well? Because you know I hadn't been through enough, losing you, losing your family that was like a second family to me, losing my heart, oh and you know the actual physical hurt of childbirth. Apparently, I hadn't hurt enough, you had to add to my pain? How sweet of you Nick" Miley sobbed, turning to lie on my side facing away from him.

"Miley, I wasn't thinking at the time, I know I have hurt you in so many ways that you shouldn't even begin to forgive me for, but you have to believe that I'm so in LOVE with you that I would do anything to get you back" Nick pleaded attempting to hold Miley in his arms. Miley gave in after he started rubbing her back and turned to face him, then cried into his, what she now noticed to be, already damp shirt.

"You have no idea how much I want to hate you right now, how much I want to send you away from me, how much I want to stop loving you, but I can't, I can't to any of those things"

"Then don't, let me stay with you, let yourself love me" Nick pleaded

"That's another thing I can't do Nick, I can't let myself love you, I can't put myself out there for you again. What if you break me again? I'm just now picking up the pieces you left me in, if you break me again I won't survive" Miley told him

They were silent for a little while as Miley set her head against his chest, and he rubbed her back, making different designs.

"Wh…" They both started then cut off, "You go, no you" They said once again in unison

"Ladies first," Nick said

"Why did you come back after that fight earlier? I didn't think you would come back" Miley said

"Honestly, I wasn't sure if I was going to come back, I wasn't sure if you would have me back, but I ended up talking to someone at the park that helped me realize that I needed to come back." He replied

"If you don't mind me asking, who did you talk to?" Miley asked

"Joe, He found me at the park and talked to me about life, and how I was making so many mistakes. I didn't know he could be that deep actually." He chuckled the last part.

"Well, that's Joe for you" Miley laughed "So what were you going to ask?"

"Oh well I was just wondering what I could do to help you forgive me" Nick whispered

"I've already forgiven you, Nick, for the comments from earlier, for breaking up with me, because I now understand why you did that, but I just don't know if I can forget everything that happened, and trust you again. You've left me with a lot of scars that I don't know will ever go away." Miley replied, tears once again threatening to come out.

"I know I've hurt you more then you deserve, and I know that what I've done doesn't deserve to be forgiven or forgotten, but I promise you that I will gain your trust and love back, if it's the last thing I do," Miley said then kissed Miley on the top of her head.

Awwww cute Niley moment

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