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Silence. The silence was the only thing that filled the house for several awkward minutes. The boys kept attempting to make eye contact with the girls, but the girls couldn't do it. The girls couldn't handle the disappointment in their eyes, the solemnity on their beautiful facial features. The overbearing silence was finally put to shame when the wailing of Valentina came about.

"Shh…Shh baby, mama is coming" Danielle ran upstairs

"Guys?" Selena asked

"Yeah, mom?" Bryan replied in an uncharacteristically soft whisper

"Do you mind stepping out for a couple of minutes?" Selena asked, getting only a no in response from her son

"Sure, we'll step out" Michael replied as he, Bryan and Mikayla walked outside

Silence once again reared its ugly head as the group looking at each other.

"Nick, why don't you and Miley speak in the kitchen," Joe said, practically glaring at his younger brother.

"Sure" was all that escaped Nick's lips as he and Miley got up and walked to the kitchen.

For the umpteenth time in the past half hour, silence filled the living room, and Demi once again took to analyzing my amazingly clean carpet.

"Your reason doesn't make sense," Kevin told Demi as soon as they could hear his brother speaking to Miley.

"Why doesn't it make sense Kevin?" Demi asked truly intrigued.

"It doesn't make sense because the statement 'Because I love you' isn't a reason, it's as I said before, a statement," He said in a matter of fact tone.

"Statements can be reasons, in fact, reasons usually are statements" Demi retorted.

"Why do you insist on being so difficult Demi?" He almost screamed "Can't you just act like an adult for once?" he asked his tone a little lower

"Do. Not. Tell me to act like an adult, when all I have been doing this past 16 years is being a responsible adult Kevin." Demi retorted, her Latina temper slowly making its way to the surface

"Well maybe if you would have told me you were pregnant I could have helped make you into a better adult, as well as helped with my son" Kevin replied

"A better adult?" Demi asked insulted

"Yes a better adult Demi"

"Your son?" Demi asked.

"Yes, my son, who I should have known about as soon as he was conceived." He told Demi, and then asked: "Were you ever going to tell me about him?"

"Yes I was, as a matter of fact, I was going to tell you the day you decided to that you had fallen out of love with me." Demi almost yelled as tears ran down her cheeks.

"You still could have told me, Demi! You could have told me about Michael" Kevin replied flustered, as well as taken aback by her last comment

"And what Kevin?" Demi asked him "Have you leave Danielle because of me? Because you felt sorry for me? No. I decided I wasn't going to take you away from her, not the way she took you away from me. Two wrongs don't make a right. So I decided to let you be happy with her, all because I freaking loved you" She told him, tears clouding her vision, making it impossible to see the tears coming down his cheeks.

"Loved?" He asked, hurt evident in his voice "What happened to the reason 'because I LOVE you'?"

"I love my Kevin, the Kevin I ORIGINALLY fell in love with, the one who was happy go lucky, and smiled all the time. Not this Kevin in front of me, not this Kevin who told me he didn't understand my reason, not this Kevin who said I'm not a good adult, this Kevin is a stranger to me" Of course she busted into hysterics as she hit the middle of her mini monologue.

She waited for a response from him but instead heard footsteps, as well as whispering, but she could care less. As she continued contemplating where's the Kevin that she knew, her brown eyes looked blood-shot, as the tears continued cascading down her cheeks, continuing to blur her vision.

As her tears continued to fall she felt a shift in the couch, then a pair of arms holding her as two-door slams, most likely Nick had the same fight with Miley. Michael was holding Demi and leads her upstairs to her room. Mikayla ran after Miley as well.

"They'll come around eventually Selena,  they just need time, but why didn't you tell me about Bryan," Joe told Selena

"The thing is Joe, I don't know maybe I was scared" Selena whispered

"Why?" Joe asked

"Because Bryan is slowly breaking me, and sooner or later I had to do what was right," Selena told him with finality in her voice.

After that Joe held her tighter in his arms, rubbing circles on her back trying to calm her down. Selena eventually calmed down, and started to fall asleep, but before she did she heard Joe whisper "Lets hope for everybody's sake that they don't need that much time because I don't think I can handle losing my new family"

As Joe finished whispering his thoughts silence started to envelop Selena's consciousness, and for once Selena was okay with the silence.

Looks like Joe is the only okay one here. What do you think will happen with Kevin and Nick?

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