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As soon as Selena woke up from her dream, she realized that she was no longer being held by Joe, but was lying on the couch covered by a blanket. Not even five minutes later she heard whispers coming from the kitchen, and Selena being Selena decided to pull a Sherlock Holmes, and investigate. While walking to the dining room she noticed that it was raining …in November…gosh dang it, anyways she soon noticed, well actually heard two voices, Danielle's and Joe's. Selena being Selena couldn't help but eavesdrop on their quiet conversation…oh, who am she kidding they are never quiet.

"They should have told us!" Danielle exclaimed

"They didn't want to Dani" Joe retorted

"Do you know how hard this is going to be on us now Joe? When the press finds out that you guys had kids, and didn't even know about them, they are going to have a field day!" She yelled

"Keep your voice down Danielle, Selena is sleeping" Joe almost yelled himself

"Oh I'm so sorry for almost waking sleeping Selena," Danielle said sarcastically

"Dani, don't treat the girls like this like they are not bad people. They didn't tell us about the kids because they wanted to protect us" Joe exclaimed

"Protect you, Joe? They have just caused us a huge mess" They retorted

Selena wasn't sure when it happened, but her face was soon covered in tears, tears she didn't know would come considering she thought she was out of tears.

"Dani imagines what would have happened if the press found out about Michael, Bryan, and Mikayla when they were first born when the girls were only 16, and we're the Jonas brothers. There would be a bigger field day then what apparently is going to happen, and at least now the kids were able to be out of the spotlight for their first couple of years." Joe defended the girls once again.

"I love you, but can you please stop thinking about the press, or even our lovely niece and nephews, and think about what all of us must be feeling and going through"

"What do you mean Joe?" Danielle asked annoyed

"What I mean is did you see all of our faces when we saw each other" Joe asked, his sister-in-law shakes her heads

"Did you see our faces when we found out those kids were ours?" he asked, shaking came once again from Danielle

"What about tears stained faces after they had their 'discussions', or when they slammed the doors shut? Did you see the girls after Kevin and Nick left, Selena was distraught, did you see any of that?" Joe asked

"No" Danielle whispered

"Don't you understand this is hurting us so badly, it tearing us apart, and the worst thing is love is still here, but we are hurt from each other and everything that is going against them at this point?" Joe told her "The girls were so hurt from the awkward ending of their relationships, and Kevin was hurt from Demi giving up so easily, as well as Nick and Miley and Selena and I" Joe continued

"I guess we didn't really pay that much attention, Joe," Danielle told him

"Well, maybe you should pay less attention to making us looking good, and spend more time paying attention to who is important to us," Joe told her.

Selena couldn't listen or watch any longer so she quietly climbed the stairs up to the room to check on Alena and Valentina. Selena decided to just watch the girls interact with each other. For some odd reason, they both had some sort of plastic wizard wands pretending they're wizards.

"You know they are already showing signs of being actresses" Selena heard from behind her

"Oh really?" Selena whispered

"Yeah, they love your show especially Alex" Danielle explained

"They get it from their uncle," Selena said "And the father of course"

"Look, Selena, I'm sorry if you heard that conversation down there. I know I sounded like a jerk, but I guess I was slightly hurt when I was saying some of that" Danielle told Selena

"Why were you hurt Danielle? It's not like they are your kids" Selena replied, being slightly curious

"I was hurt because you girls didn't come back to them or say anything to them after all of you broke up, and that hurt me, Lena," Danielle explained

"We couldn't come back Danielle, not after everything that had happened between everyone. We couldn't go back to them and Demi was hurt by you and Kevin" Selena said, venom dripping off the last word.

"I know Demi. She changed him, Lena, she made him into someone that his parents never expected, and never wanted my husband to be, as crazy as it sounds Selena I think with this change things will be better, the Kevin he was when he was with Demi will be shown."  Danielle was finally opening up to Selena

"I miss that Kevin too, but he is married to you and we don't want to destroy your marriage," Selena told Danielle honestly

"I know, but we're a new type of family,  a blended family," Danielle informed Selena

Tears once again escaping Selena's eyes as Selena continued to watch her beautiful new nieces attempt to make wizard magic.

Beautiful isn't it?

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