chapter 9 •

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hey me dudes! i am obsessed with that song so listen to ittt! ^^ okay, so have your parents ever really wanted you to do something that you do not want to do because you're not committed to it? yeah well that's me right now :p


chapter nine: " yes, i will blame my blond hair"

So just to clear it up with you all....

I got lost.

Okay, it so was not my fault

Okay so maybe it was, but i am not going to say that.

If you are wondering where i am now, well i am sitting on the ground patiently waiting for a car to come down this deserted street...

So you are probably confused... well let's go back about an hour


I am currently driving around because i couldn't go to sleep.

There are barely any cars on the road because 1. It is really late and 2. I kinda turned into a alleyway. Okay i will admit not the smartest decision of my life, but whatever, right?

My phone is dead so i do not know where i am. I can not feel any more blond that i already am. You know what they say about blonds being dumb? Yeah i used to feel offended but now? I totally believe it.

This was a stupid mistake. Why could I not be normal and get a glass of water or something?

I start to feel my bike get bumpy and my legs are getting more air? No. no. no! I look down and see my bike tire going down. I feel the bike tilting and i quickly out my foot down, which was not the best of ideas because i am going 60 miles per hour.

I feel a sharp pain go through my foot. I curse and slow down, and steady the bike as possible as i can.

Once the bike almost stops i get my uninjured foot on the ground and place my bike next to me.

Ugh! I can not believe this! Motorcycle bike tires are quite expensive, and let me say i have no money! And i am 100% sure my mother will not pay for a new tire.

Maybe dad will but maybe not. I groan and look up. I am so stupid.

And yes, i will blame my blond hair.


So yeah, that is why i am sitting on the side of the road.

I start to see lights and all my prayers have been answered, and yes, i did pray. I was hearing animal noises and i thought i was going to get eaten...

The car gets closer and i stand up forgetting about my hurt ankle, yes, i found out my ankle was hurt and not my foot.

I lift up my foot and stick out my hand with my thumb up. I have always wanted to do this because people in movies do this.

The car comes and fortunately for me it is a truck

The truck stops and the person slides down his window.

"Uh hey, you shouldn't really be out here at night" he informs me as if i do not know.

"Yeah i know. My motorcycle got a flat and i can not leave without it, so can you please, please, please help me?" i ask very nicely may i add.

He chuckles and gets out of the truck.

"Sure. got nothing to do anyways" the early twenty year old man says and rolls my bike over to the trunk and i help him get it up cause i am a nice person.

We both get in the truck and he starts driving after i tell him where my street is. Yeh, i am not gonna give him my address 1. He is a stranger and 2. I do not know it...

"So, why were you on the street that people and i quote say 'it's haunted'" he asks. Really the street is haunted? Yeah, and my big toe is a potato.

"Why were you?" i ask and smirk

"Touche, but i asked first" he adds in and i chuckle.

"I do not know. I could not sleep so went for a ride on my bike." i finished saying but now i have a question that i probably should have asked before i got into a car with him.

"Are you a serial killer" i blurt out and he barks out with a laughing fit.

"I do not think so, Love" he says and i almost screamed. How did i not notice before? This man is British! Oh my god. I have always wanted to hear a real english accent like physically and not through a screen.

After i stopped fangirling i looked over at him.

"Is that not what a serial killer would say. I mean come on? Why did you help me? Are you planning on killing me?" i ask genuinely confused and intrigued.

"Trust me, love if i were to kill you i wouldn't do it in my truck or i would have done it already. Don't you think?" he asks but i barely understand it. What? I like it when the stranger calls me 'love'

"Uh, yeah, sure" i say after about 2 minutes. He probably thinks i am a freak.

"Trust me, love after i call a girl love they lose it. So you're not a freak" he informs. Oh no did i say that aloud?

"Yes, you did" why am i doing that?!

"I don't know" he exclaims

"Okay i will stop thinking now" i said aloud.


"Thanks again for taking me home, or to my street" i thanked him again

He laughed and said 'you're welcome'

The rest of the car ride we just talked about random stuff to fill the empty air.

We did stop at the nearest store to get a ankle band for my ankle, and he payed for it. It was only 5 dollars but it was sweet of him.

"Well anyways it was fun to take you to your street, Anna" he says and smiles. Wait what? How did he know my name? I do not even know his.

"Wait how do you know my name?" i ask i am confusion. He smiles

"Your bike had your name on it" he informs me and I say 'ohhhh'

"Well good bye Anna. Hope I see you again" he says and starts leaving, but i have a question

"Wait, what is your name?" i ask. Yeah i probably should have asked that before I got into his truck.

"Berry, Nate Berry" he says. I live for his accent. I laugh

"Well bye, berry, Nate Berry" i said and turn to leave with my bike.

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