chapter O8 :: nightmares

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(TW : intense nightmare and life or death situation. if you are sensitive to these topics, please either do not read this chapter or read with caution. if you need to skip this chapter, you will not miss anything super important pertaining to the storyline. again, if you are sensitive to these topics please be careful)

7:23 PM, July 3rd


"Was that worth the wait?" Hyunjin asked cheerfully, although he already knew the answer that Jeongin would give. The two of them walked back from a small frozen yogurt shop, still carrying what they purchased in their hands. Hyunjin took what he said he normally got; watermelon yogurt with fruity toppings. Jeongin, however, was a bit more adventurous with his choices. He started with cookies and cream yogurt, and added various chocolate toppings. Bits of cookies, chunks of chocolate and even chocolate candies that looked like rocks decorated Jeongin's bowl of sweetness.

Hyunjin wrinkled his nose when Jeongin offered him a bite, but tried it anyways just to humor him. While the dessert wasn't nearly as gross as it seemed, it was so sweet that Hyunjin had to admit that he would be surprised if Jeongin didn't end up with several cavities after eating it all. Jeongin nodded excitedly, as he brought another spoonful to his mouth. The corners of his eyes creased as a result of the wide, content smile on his lips.

Hyunjin felt his insides churn at the sight. He was glad to give the younger boy so many first experiences. When the two of them started to get really good at understanding each other, Jeongin was able to tell Hyunjin about just how little he had done in comparison to Hyunjin. He'd never had a clementine, he'd never been to a concert, nor had he ever eaten frozen yogurt—the poor boy had never even seen a shooting star!

Hyunjin had already given him the two food-related firsts from the list, and he hoped that he would be able to make the other two happen as well. He felt an odd need to be there for Jeongin, to protect him. It was probably because Jeongin had been so utterly childlike. It wasn't that he was puerile or immature, but rather because of his youthful demeanor. It didn't take much to absolutely amaze him, nor did he fail to possess sparkles in his eyes every time he was happy.

While Jeongin's shyness in front of Hyunjin dissipated within days, he still had a reserved side of him. When Woojin and Chan would occasionally stop by to check on Hyunjin, Jeongin would hide the first few times. Recently, though, he had started warming up to the two of them. He was warming up to the other members of the friend circle too, just quicker with the two eldest. Jeongin developed a particular soft spot for Woojin, which went the same way for Woojin towards Jeongin. Occasionally Hyunjin would feel pangs of jealousy when Woojin would make Jeongin smile widely or laugh, but afterwards he would feel weird.

Perhaps it was that sense of protecting Jeongin kicking in. After all, even though it's only been a couple of weeks since Jeongin has been with him, he cared for the younger boy like a sibling. But at the same time, the term 'sibling' didn't really sit right with him. The situation didn't feel right, and Hyunjin's heart contradicted itself whenever he thought of Jeongin as his 'brother'.

The summer sun had yet to fall behind the ground, and the moon had not yet shown even a sliver of itself. Tonight was supposed to be a full moon, Hyunjin informed. Jeongin thought of the times that he and his five merman friends would sneak away at night, and escape to a moon pool to watch the full moon. His heart ached for a moment as he thought of them, but he brushed it off, only feeling slightly guilty about how quickly he allowed himself to move past his own memories.

When the two of them reached the house, Hyunjin nearly dropped his yogurt as he fumbled for the keys. As soon as the door was unlocked, the two of them took off their shoes. Jeongin lost his balance when he tried to take his shoes off with no hands, as he'd seen Hyunjin do. The yogurt in his hands fell, and even though he tried to catch it, it still dropped. White and brown from the dessert covered his arms, clothes, and exposed skin around his ankles. Some even splattered onto the tiled floor of the entryway.

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