chapter O6 :: pearls

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10:34 AM, June 26th.


Athough he was one of the last to fall asleep the previous night, Jeongin was the one who woke up first. His first action of the day was to attempt to stretch out his limbs that would be stiffened by sleep. However, when he tried to extend his tired arms and legs, he was stopped by the feeling of someone else gently holding him in place. And a few seconds after that, he felt his own arms wrapped around someone else. Jeongin's eyes flew open, and he looked up to see Hyunjin sleeping peacefully, with his arms on the red head in his slumber.

Jeongin felt his cheeks burn up. He hadn't had whatever form of sleepy courage he'd possessed the night before, and was now acutely aware of the situation. At first, his mind went wild because Oh my god I cuddled him to sleep and What on Earth was I thinking—when his thoughts started racing to Why didn't he move, or at least let me go?

Jeongin first began moving the arm that laid on Hyunjin's stomach, which worked at first—but only until he saw that his fingers were intertwined with other fingers belonging to the sleeping boy in front of him. Gently, he had nearly succeeded at unraveling the tangled mess of fingers. But, at the very last moment, Hyunjin tightened his grip on the hand, essentially putting Jeongin back to square one. Jeongin huffed. He really needed to use the restroom and this was most certainly not helping. He had to reevaluate his plan of action.

But, the sleeping boy interfered before this could happen.

Hyunjin inhaled sharply as his hand on Jeongin's waist pulled closer to his body. Jeongin sometimes saw him do this as he hugged a pillow in a state of slumber. Only this time, it was not a cushion-like pillow that Hyunjin cuddled into his body, but rather Jeongin himself. Jeongin hardly had time to process what was happening as Hyunjin ungracefully flopped himself to his side, facing Jeongin's blushing face.

Jeongin felt every muscle in his body tighten as he was now against Hyunjin's warm chest covered in a soft shirt. Luckily, it would be impossible for Hyunjin to see the look of shock on Jeongin's face had he woken up; Jeongin's head had been about level with Hyunjin's shoulder, and, if he'd wanted, Jeongin would have little to no trouble tucking his head under Hyunjin's chin completely.

Hyunjin's free arm circled around the top of Jeongin to reach around his neck and shoulder area. Jeongin would have been able to get used to that, had Hyunjin had began softly playing with Jeongin's hair as his sleeping body remained unconscious. Hyunjin let out a sound somewhere between a grunt and a groan, before his breathing steadied.

Jeongin took the next five minutes or so to cautiously wiggle out of Hyunjin's grip. He'd managed to do the task, although he had nearly fallen out of the chair, and he was surprised he didn't accidentally wake up the sleeping boy. Once he'd escaped from Hyunjin's clutches, he gulped and ran to the downstairs bathroom. His feet swooshed against the carpet and made suction-cup like sounds as he ran across tiled floors. Upon reaching the bathroom, Jeongin locked the door as he caught his breath, which was not only shallow from running, but also from waking up in the raven haired Hyunjin's embrace.

He finished what he'd went to the bathroom to do, and gazed into the mirror above the sink. If he thought his cheeks wore the tinge of embarrassment, his ears wore the shade of a highly humiliated demeanor.

Get a grip, Jeongin. He thought to himself, as he splashed cold water on his face in an attempt to bring his temperature down. Once his face had reached it's natural shade, he exited the bathroom and made his way to Hyunjin's room to change.

Jeongin was halfway through pulling a blue shirt over his head when the shook. He froze for a moment,  but relaxed when the lock withheld anyone from entering.

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