chapter 12 :: give him back (finale pt I)

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8:59 PM, July 25th.

Jeongin felt so, so many things. He felt so utterly confused, wondering why he was currently being dragged to the bottom of the sea, and why it didn't hurt his lungs to breathe in or out. He was panic stricken and full of questions: Where was Hyunjin? Was he okay? Had he been worried or scared?

He'd heard the splash signifying that Hyunjin had entered the water, but he could not see him. He was being pulled against his will too fast.

But when he saw the owner of the hand, Jeongin felt pure, unfiltered rage.

It was Mizu who held onto his leg so tightly Jeongin was sure he would bruise. It was Mizu who was swimming away while dragging him with her so fast that Jeongin was surprised he wasn't becoming nauseous. It was Mizu who was taking him away from Hyunjin.

Jeongin was angry.

He used his free leg to kick Mizu square in the wrist in an attempt to break free. Mizu only stopped for a moment, turning around to face Jeongin.

She moved her other hand to his free ankle and have it a harsh twist. Jeongin let out a yelp of pain, which he was surprised to find also didn't hurt his lungs to do. It also suddenly hit him that he could speak again, he was able to make normal noises again.

"Watch it." Mizu warned with a voice laced  with threat, and suddenly Jeongin felt fear. A whimper escaped his lips, and he began to yell as loud as he could now that he had the ability again.

He still thrashed about in the water, but made no more violent attempts to get Mizu away. Jeongin glanced down at Mizu with bitterness and resentment, his eyes widening when he saw the scar on her back in the shape of the letter ''K" was glowing.

Jeongin wasn't sure how much time had gone by, but soon they reached the opening of Mizu's cave. His ankle ached and throbbed as it was brought through the water, but his ankle wasn't what he was yelling and thrashing about for. Jeongin was screaming like a child for several reasons, but one overpowered the others.

He wanted to be back with Hyunjin.

Sure, it sounded desperate and pathetic. But things were going so well. Jeongin felt the most alone he had in months as Mizu entered the cave, practically tossing Jeongjn through the water as she lifted a finger, causing the door made from a boulder to close.

"Why did you do that?" Jeongin shouted. Mizu turned to face Jeongin, a deadly hollow look on her sunken in features.

"Don't you remember the catch to our little deal?" Mizu asked, a grim smile creeping Ito her lips. Jeongin scowled, scoffing.

"He said he loves me!"

"Everyone lies, sweetheart." Mizu said, approaching the boy carefully. With a snap of her fingers, Jeongin felt the tops of his legs burn. He could no longer move his legs.

"I suppose you should have made sure he was honest with you, huh?" Mizu said as Jeongin grunted, and he looked down to see his legs become shaky and stuck together.

"He was honest!" Jeongin yelled, trailing off afterwards in pain as parts of his legs leaked blood. Mizu kept one index finger twirling in circular motions, matching in speed with the culprit that caused Jeongin's bleeding.

At first he thought his legs were being sewn together. Upon looking closer though, he noticed that a black thread was tying around Jeongjn's legs so tight that it split skin in some places.

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