chapter O3 :: it's him

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12:09 AM, June 21st.


Hyunjin was much more attractive this close, Jeongin thought.

Jeongin was a bit stunned, and he looked at Hyunjin with eyes like saucers. His mouth, which he had realized he'd let drop open slightly, closed at he gulped and blinked rapidly.

Hyunjin was looking down at him, albeit sideways from Jeongin's perspective, with patience and care. Jeongin glanced around to see the other faces looking at him with as much—or even more—concern that Hyunjin's beautiful features held. He watched as Felix communicated with another blond male, in the same tongue spoken earlier that he couldn't fully understand.

"Did you hear me?" Jeongin's attention was brought back to Hyunjin, whose soft voice spoke with an odd mixture of patience and urgency. His mind raced, unsure of what to do to make up for his missing voice. This was going to be a lot harder than he had originally thought.

"Oh god, what if he doesn't understand? Maybe he's a foreigner or something." Jeongin followed Hyunjin's gaze with his eyes, watching as a male with black hair similar to Hyunjin's spoke. Hyunjin chewed on his lower lip for a moment, before returning his gaze to Jeongin.

"Can you understand me?" Hyunin asked, and Jeongin nodded, pulling his eyes away from Hyunjin to watch as he wiggled his own toes. A tiny smile creeped onto his mouth, which confused Hyunjin a bit. Then he looked at the way the boy grinned at his own wiggling toes, and grew a bit worried that he may have injured his head.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Hyunjin asked, as he raised three fingers. Jeongin took a moment to think of how to respond. Then, he held up the same three fingers the other had done.

"Um, that works too I guess." Hyunjin said as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He turned his attention from the red head to one of his friends, who had handed him a small white and red box. He placed it in the sand, and shimmied it a bit to ensure that it would stay in place in the grainy sand.

He opened the box and took out a small cylinder object, and clicked a button. The sudden light shocked Jeongin, who grabbed the foreign object from his hands with great interest. Sitting up, he brought he instrument centimeters from his eyes, looked directly into the light. Hyunjin took the object away rapidly, and Jeongin shut his eyes so tightly that the skin around his eyes creased. Hyunjin clicked the button, turning the artificial light off. Felix gasped, and Jeongin began to see purple and green dots, floating across the insides of his eyelids as he pressed his palms against his eyes.

"Woah there, just, um, relax, okay?" Hyunjin said, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder and lightly bringing him back to a laying position. Jeongin nodded once more, laying his head back into the lap of Hyunjin. Sand clung to Jeongin's wet back. The night's cold air felt as though it seeped into every drop of water still on his body, sending chills through him. Sure, he's definitely felt cold temperatures, but never once had he felt the sensation of cold while his whole body was outside of water.

He proceeded to check Jeongin's head for injuries, shine the light in his eyes (although this time he was careful about it, so Jeongin didn't have to suffer through the dancing dots of color again), and check his neck for injuries. Jeongin tried his best to not squirm when Hyunjin's hands touched his neck from how badly ticklish he is. Jeongin did, however, squirm upon the feeling of bumps form on his skin. He began to tremble from the cold.

"Guys, I don't see anything wrong with him." Hyunjin stated, and all of the boys sighed in relief. Well, all but one. A male with blond hair and fair skin gave Jeongin a scowl of disbelief.

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