Chapter 7 ~ Mall Mahem

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Katherine's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes. 

Slowly I sat up, yawned, and stretched. Then I stepped off the couch and threw my hair into a messy bun. 

Wait, why am I on the couch? 

Then I remembered, Avery and Taylor were in my room and I didn't want to go in there. 

I walk over to the kitchen to see Cam cooking pancakes. 

"Hey." I smiled and rubbed my eyes.

"Pancake?" He smiled back and lifted a pancake off the pan with the spatula. 

I yawn again and nod. 

"How did you sleep?" I ask Cam. 

"Well the couch was a little crowded..." He laughed.

"What?" I said.

"You like took up all the room on the couch, and you were on top of me all night," He laughed again and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. 

I felt my face turning red too. 

"Why didn't you go to your room? Taylor wasn't in there." 

"You seemed lonely and I didn't want you to be stuck out here all by yourself." Cam flipped a pancake.

I half smiled, "Oh you didn't have to stay out here with me, I would've been okay." 

He carried a platefull of pancakes to the island, "It's perfectly fine, it was cold last night anyways."

"I wasn't cold last night..." I said.

He chuckled, "That's because you were cuddled up against me in your sleep."

My face began getting hot and I knew I was blushing. 


"Cam, I'm going to run out to mall. I'll be back later." I grabbed my purse and walked towards the front door. 

Today I was dressed in a maroon knit sweater, jeans, tan boots, and a black beanie. 

"Do you mind if I tag along? Taylor's birthday is next month, I gotta find a gift for him." Cam came down the hall behind me. 

He was dressed in a grey hoodie, black jeans, vans, and a black snapback. 

I smile, "I wouldn't mind at all."


Cam and I finally got to the mall in the downtown area. 

"Where do you want to look for Taylor's gift?" I asked. 

"I'm not sure yet, lets look around!" He nodded down the long stretch of stores on the first floor. 

"OH MY GOSH! CAMERON!" Some girl was screaming. 

I turn around to see a girl with brown wavy hair come running over, squealing like a fan girl. 

"Cameron Dallas! Long time no see!" her voice sounded so fake. 

Cam coughed and slowly turned around, "Oh its you. Hi Madison." 

He looked mildly annoyed but hugged her anyways. 

I gripped my phone tighter. Woah what am I doing. Am I....... Jealous? I don't even know this girl, it could be his cousin for all I know. 

I tried to calm down as Cam introduced us, "Katherine, this is Madison. We used to be neighbors before the big apartment switch up." 

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