Chapter 5 ~ Scary By Night, Fun By Day

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Katherine's P. O. V.

I step out of the shower and walk to my room.

I hear my phone buzz so I go to see who texted me.

It was Avery letting me know her and Taylor went to pick up some food for our apartment.

"Hey Cam?" I yelled.

After a few seconds he called back, "What?"

"Avery said her and Taylor went to get more food for the apartment. They'll be back later tonight."

I hear footsteps coming up to my room so I quickly throw on yoga shorts and a tank top.

Cam lightly knocks on my door, "Kat you do realize they probably aren't just going to get food right?"

I open the door, "What?"

Cam chuckles a little, "Taylor isn't exactly the guy who just goes grocery shopping because he can. I think he like Avery, and he wants to make her his."

I pull my eyebrows together in confusion,

"So he's trying to get in her pants?"

Cam laughs again, "No, no, but I wouldn't be surprised if he takes her out for dinner or something."

I smiled a little, "How cute, Taylor really is a softy isn't he?"

Cam nods, "I told you he was! He acts like a dick to seem cool."

I laugh, "Well thanks for letting me know haha. It's been only a few days and those two already like each other. " I shake my head.

This is getting a little awkward, Cam's still standing in my doorway.

"So uh, do you want to go play video games or something?" Cam asked with a half smile.

I smile back, "Sure, Call Of Duty sound good?"

"Whatever you want is cool." He says walking towards the living room.


Cam throws his head back and laughs super loud, "I can't believe you won!"

I laugh along with him, "I told you I was actually good at this game! You didn't believe me!"

He keeps smiling, "You're insane Kat, I've never met a girl who could play video games like that."

I shrug my shoulders, "Being raised by a nurse who loved video games pays off."

I reach for my phone and see the time is 9:37. Oh shit. Avery and Taylor still aren't home.

"Uh Cam, it's 9:37."

Cam's eyes widen, "Where the hell is Taylor and Avery? They're gonna get killed!"

He grabs his phone and dials Taylor's number.

Guessing by Cam's reaction it went straight to voice mail.

I dial Avery's number but the same thing happened, it went straight to voice mail.

I lock my phone, "Let's not panic now, I'm sure they're fine. Avery is too smart to be out at night."

Cam's jaw tightens, drawing my attention to his amazing jaw line, "True..." He mutters.

Should we lock down the apartment? in want to ask Cam but I feel like he'll think I'm stupid for even wondering.

He stands up and begins locking down the apartment, "Rules are rules... I don't want to die." I hear Cam mumble.

I doubt he thought I heard him.

ApocalypseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz