Chapter 3 ~ Normal Day

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Katherine's P.O.V. 

The next morning at 6am all four of us had woken up to disable the lock down system and unlock everything. 

Taylor unlocked the last window, "So Cam and I are gonna go visit two friends of ours, we should be back later."

Avery and I nodded, "Okay see you later." 

Cam grabbed his phone and opened the front door.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He jumped back and slammed the door. 

We all jumped at his reaction, "What the hell dude?" Taylor said walking towards Cam.

"There's a fucking huge ass spider the guardians must have killed last night on our door step."

Taylor laughed, "Oh come on Cam, a little spider?" He opened the door again, "FUCKING SHIT MAN." 

I stood up and walked over. 


I laughed and grabbed a broom, "You guys have never seen one of those before? It's called an elephant spider, they're mutated tarantula's basically." I pushed the dead spider off the front porch. 

Cam scratched the back of his neck and Taylor looked super interested in the corner of his phone case. 

"Man up boys." I teased.

They both laughed and headed out the front door.

Avery began cooking pancakes, "They're such babies, it was a dead spider." She laughed.

I chuckled, "Wimps." 


Avery and me walked out of Starbucks with our frappes.

Across the road we saw Cam and Taylor with two other guys. I noticed one of them was the guy who's foot I crushed yesterday. The other one must be his brother, they both have those unforgettable blue eyes. 

After going shopping Avery and I decided to head home.

We got back to the apartment around 3pm, just about the same time as Cam and Taylor. 

Cam and Taylor came running through the door, laughing.

"Damn dude I missed the Grier boys." Taylor said putting his phone down on the island. 

Cam smiled, "Me too dude." He ran and flopped onto the couch.

I grabbed my bags from Forever 21, Coach, and Urban Outfitters and brought them to my room. Avery did the same. 

"I call first shower! You used all the hot water last time!" I shouted, running to the bathroom. 

"You suck!" Avery called back, laughing.

I locked the bathroom door and turned on my music. Then I stripped my clothes off and stepped into the steamy shower. 

Rather Be by Clean Bandit came on so I began singing along.

"We're a thousand miles from comfort,

We have travelled land and sea,

But as long as you are with me,

There's no place I'd rather be,"

I soon began belting out the song. 


I came out into the living room in my pjs. Black drop crotch sweatpants, and a navy blue crop top that said, "NO" on the front. 

Avery soon followed me into the living room and the guys were no where to be seen. 

We turned on the tv and searched for a movie to watch. 

"Let's watch a scary movie!" I said.

Avery agreed and we searched for a good horror movie. 

Finally Cam walked into the living room wearing a pair of black sweat pants and no shirt. 

"Do you guys mind if I watch with you?" He asked.

"Not at all, but you can't laugh at our reactions!" I said laughing.

Cam chuckled, "Okay okay I won't." He raised both his hands as if he were in defeat. "Taylor might though." 

Avery laughed, "Of course." 


We decided on watching Silent Hill. 

Avery sat on the end of the couch, then I sat next to her. There was a space between me and Cam, and Taylor was on the other side of him.

Avery and me clung to each other practically the whole movie while Taylor and Cam were just there laughing at us. 

"You said you wouldn't laugh!" I said pointing to Cam. 

He looked over to me, "Yeah but you guys are just so funny Kat!" Him and Taylor started laughing all over again. 


After we made sure the apartment was completely locked down Avery and me went to our room and the guys went to theirs.

After sleeping for a few hours I woke up to go to the bathroom. I yawned and slowly shuffled down the hall when suddenly I hit something. I opened my eyes a little more to see if I ran into a wall again but I didn't, it was Cam. 

"Ooof! Sorry." Cam stepped back and yawned. I noticed his eyes were still closed, he must be sleep walking. 

After going to the bathroom I slowly stumbled into my room. I pulled the covers up and slid into my bed. I laid there for a few seconds and decided to stretch out a little when I felt something in my bed. 

I panicked and quickly slid out of my bed. I ripped the covers off to reveal a sleeping Cam. 

"Shit Cam," I whispered. 

I softly shook Cam awake, "Cam, get up. Cam wake up." I whispered. 

He turned a little, "Hmm?" He opened his eyes a little.

"Cam you're in my bed." I said quietly, hoping I don't wake Avery.

Cam shot up in bed, "Oh shit! I am so sorry Kat! I have a sleep walking issue.." He threw himself out of my bed and stood up. "Fuck this is awkward, I'm so sorry Kat!" He whispered.

I sat on my bed, "It's okay Cam, don't worry about it. Just go back to your room." I giggled quietly.

Cam smiled and walked out of my room. 

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