Chapter 2 ~ Video Games

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Katherine's P.O.V.

Avery and I walked down the hall and out into the living room/kitchen to see our new roommates.

Both we're pretty tall and good looking.

One had dark brown spiked hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He was relatively tan and muscular.

The other had light brown hair and wore a blue bandana around his head. He had brown eyes and was also relatively tan.

The one with dark brown hair spoke first, "Oh hey, you must be our roommates right? Katherine and Avery?"

I nodded, "Yeah! I'm Katherine but you can call me Kat. And this is my best friend Avery."

The one with light brown hair spoke next, "Nice to meet you guys, I'm Taylor and that's Cameron."

They both smiled so Avery and I smiled back.

"Well we're gonna go unpack." Cameron said as he and Taylor dragged their bags to the bedroom on the right.

Avery and me walked into our room and shut the door.

"OH MY GOSH." Avery whisper screamed, "TAYLOR IS REALLY HOT."


Avery said, "THEY BOTH ARE OH GOSH!"

We stopped giggling enough to go out to the kitchen and make lunch.

I went to get food from the refrigerator but it was empty.

Avery gasped dramatically, "OH MY GOSH. THEY LIKE DIDN'T STOCK OUR HOUSE WITH FOOD OMG." She mocked.

We both laughed. "I'll call the main office and tell them to stock our apartment don't worry." I picked up my iPhone and called.


After our apartment was stocked with food I began making grilled cheeses for Avery and me.

"Avery! Your lunch is ready!" I yelled to her.

"Coming!" She shouted back before she ran out of our room.

We both sat down at the island and are our sandwiches while discussing the latest news.

"I can't believe another 5 guardians died last night..." Avery said looking at her phone.

"What were their names?" I asked.

My dad is a guardian. In Gilligan City we don't get to see our parents ever. We get taken away a birth and are raised by nurses. Even though I never met my dad I still like to know that he's safe.

Avery read off the names. I didn't recognize any of them.

"How sad." I said shaking my head.

"What's sad?" Taylor walked in to the living room.

"5 more guardians died last night." Avery said looking over to him.

Soon after Cameron walked in behind him, "Are you serious? 5 more?" Cameron shook his head. "That's crazy."

We all went silent and didn't say anything for a solid 5 minutes.

Finally Avery stood up, "Well, as lovely as this awkward silence has been I'm going to go take a shower."

I laughed, "Don't use all the hot water! I still have to shower!"

Cameron added, "So do we!"


After we had all showered I sat down infront of the huge flat screen tv in the living room. I had already set up my xbox when we had gotten here so Avery and I were just trying to pick a game.

I held up a game, "How about C.O.D.?"

Avery shook her head, "Nah, do you have Halo 4?"

I held up another game, "Right here!"

We put the disc in the xbox and began playing.

Cameron walked into the living room in nothing but a towel. "What're you guys playing?"

I turned around, a little surprised by the fact that Cameron was standing there in a towel. "Halo 4." I said.

"Halo 4?! C'mon!" Cameron laughed.

I paused the game, "What's wrong with Halo?!"

Cameron laughed again, "Let's just say you should be playing C.O.D. instead." he picked up C.O.D. and tossed it to me.

I laughed and Cameron went to the kitchen to get a snack then went back to his room to change.

Did he really just walk out here half naked, in a towel? Talk about getting comfortable fast.

Later Cameron, Taylor, Avery, and me were all playing C.O.D., laughing, and joking around.

When 10 p.m. rolled around we shut the tv and xbox off.

Taylor began locking the windows and doors, "I don't get why we have to turn off all electronics at night. Like besides our phones we can't have anything on."

I engaged the apartment in lockdown mode, "Stuff like that attracts monsters. Unless you want to get eaten alive or torn to shreds I think we should keep everything off." I laughed. "Cameron, can you double check the lock down system? Avery did you double check all the doors and windows?"

Cameron started walking over to the lock down system computer and looked over at me, "You know you could just call me Cam right?"

I smiled, "Okay Cam."

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