Chapter 22

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"Oh my god."I say in astonishment the next day. "Seriously? I should have known."

They are so much like each other. It's hard to believe that they aren't related. After what went down with Isaac, I'm not sure that I want to see what happens with Amber. Her swift comments make me want to pull the long red-blonde ringlets dangling from her perfectly smooth head. I then imagine what she would look like with no hair. She may look pretty now, but no one looks good bald. Not even Grandpa Charlie. I hope she grows old to be gray-headed and wrinkled. I giggle now, picturing Amber withered and shriveled up into creased positions with a cloud of hair on her head. Emorial takes me out of my daydream.

"Why are you giggling? I thought you would be mad." She turns toward me in gym. "I was just thinking about what Amber what look like when she was old." I say laughing a bit more. "An ideal old person." Dezarae laughs loudly. "You know, cheerleading tryouts are this afternoon." Emorial says getting very excited. "OH! I almost forgot. I haven't put together a routine yet." I say suddenly my eyes droop. "I'll help you make a routine." Dezarae volunteers. "I'll help with choreography." Emory suggests. "I might need to see what tricks you can do though. Most of the cheerleaders can't do that many tricks, they usually stick to pyramids." Dez applies pressure on the cheer squad.

"Round-off?" Emory asks.


"Back handspring?"


"Back tuck?"

"mmm hmmm." I say.


"All three of them!"

"Front aerial?

"I have no Idea what that is."

"Well can you do a front walkover?"

"Yeah I think so."

"It is a front walkover with no hands. It's kind of like a front flip with separated legs. You should try doing it on the mat." Dezarae gestures toward the dark blue mat.

"Maybe I should try a few fast walkovers first, just to get in the hang of things." I step back a bit and put my right foot forward. I reach toward the ground and quickly flip over my solid hands. "Easy enough." I say. Then, I start walking backwards to clear enough space for a front aerial.

I sprint for 5 steps before I launch myself high into the air, at least 10 feet up. My feet land on the rugged carpet. I turn to face my friends with a grin. "Check." I say to Emory.

"Okay so, first you are going to start standing. Put right arm up and then switch it with your left... Good! Now cross your arms and bring them out." I do as Emorial shows. She stands in front of me as I copy her movements. "Sitting position, then a back handspring step-out." She says rhythmically. I go backwards on to my hands. "Strut one, strut two. Second position plie. Shoulder shake, shoulder shake." I keep up with her. "Now turn to the right. Hands up, hands down. Run a few steps-- Round-off, back handspring, back tuck and land with hands up. Pop your foot and switch feet." I pop my ankle forward. "Step-step, front aerial. Do a double turn and land in a center split." I jump from my turn and shoot out my legs from my body. "Now pull your legs back and do an elbow stand. That's great!" Emorial finishes. "Try to stag your legs." I bring my legs to either side of my head and bend them. "Awesome. Next is the skill stage. They will have you do flexibility, skills, and a pyramid with a few other girls. Let's try a three person basket toss." Dezarae explains. "You should be on top Renesmee." Kay. I mutter under my breath.

Dezarae comes to my left side and Emorial comes to the right. I grab a hold of their shoulders. "Ness, when you start to lose balance, say: basket toss. We will then throw you up to catch you." Emory says. I put my right foot in Emory's hand and my left in Dezarae's. "5, 6, 7, 8! And straighten!" Dez counts. I pull my legs together and slowly bring my hands off of their shoulders. "Try one foot." Emory adds in. I shift all of my weight over to my right leg and bring my left into my knee. "Tuck and toss." I yell. "Tuck?" They ask. "Yes, tuck." I put both of my legs down and plie. My legs push up to my chest as I grab them with my arms. When I complete the 360, I straighten my legs out. Emory and Dezarae catch me. "That was fun!" I am excited. They both look at me with their eyes dropped. "We should totally sign up for a time slot together." Dezarae sighs. "Time slot?" I am confused. "Yeah, If we all audition after each other, then we can do the Basket toss together." Emory and Dezarae lay my feet on the carpet.

The coach walks over to us. "Are you ladies trying out for cheerleading?" Pssh, NO! We are just doing a basket toss cause we feel like it! "Yes we're trying out together." I say obviously. A certain bad boy walks to our sides."Well, good luck with that. My sister is the cheer squad captain." Isaac mumbles to us. "We know, but the over-viewing teacher can officially over rule the squad captain." Isaac is defeated. "Face it Isaac, you can't ruin me. You can try though. I'm enjoying myself. It really is fun, keep trying." I pout at him. "You won't enjoy it for long." Isaac threatens me.

"Aww, your cute when you're jealous," I giggle. "Just kidding." Make him more jealous, Renesmee. My thoughts tell me. Make him want to believe he's got a shot. "So, why are you here anyway?" Dezarae interrupts my thoughts. "Um... I kind of have Physical Education class with you, remember? I kissed you?" He says, "You slapped me." He mumbles. "Oh yeah, you were such a coward, but you should make it up to me." I say intriguing him. "Maybe I should." Isaac walks closer. I walk so close to him, careful not to touch him. I make up my mind and decide how this will work out. I reach my hand to his face and grip it in my palm. I tease him. He smiles in delight. I bring my face close to his and almost touch his lips, but I stop at an inch away. Perfect. I tighten my grip. "Don't you ever try to pull a stunt like that again." I say in a tone that I don't think I have ever used before. His eyes widen, and he attempts steps back, but I keep my grip. "Got it?" I whisper fiercely. I make a small punch to his stomach but keep holding on. He tears away from my grip and walks in the opposite direction. While he still has dignity I think smugly.

I zone back in again into gym class, and I catch about half the lesson, mainly because my hand is laced tightly with Jacob's and I can't seem to focus, so I give up on listening to the lecture. My mind wanders about anywhere it could possibly go. From my Mom and Dad, to my Aunt Rose, and eventually back to home base, Jacob. My Jacob. My mind seems content with that, so I squeeze Jacob's hand, smile and settle into my chair for the final quarter of the lecture.

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